
St. John Ocean Week Begins This Weekend!

St. John Ocean Week Begins This Weekend! 1

In just a few days, a celebration and appreciation of the ocean surrounding our beautiful island begins.  And, if you love St. John, the sea is probably something you’re a pretty big fan of as well, right?  Well, over the next week, the businesses and community members of Love City will be doing some work to take care of and give back to our beautiful surroundings.

St. John Ocean Week Begins This Weekend! 2
Friends of the Park employee Mark helping some trash with its journey OFF the beach.

You see, those of us who live here obviously LOVE the ocean as well.  And it likely drew us here as well!  But it is so much more to us here who depend on the sea for more than just her beauty.  For many of us it is also our source of income.  Our draw for tourism.  And, most importantly, our source of utmost enjoyment and peace of mind during the busiest days.  It’s probably also very likely it is the reason that you all visit us!  And in order to keep that beauty growing through the ages, it is all of our duties to take care of the sea as she takes care of us every single day of the year.  So, if you are visiting over the next week, or looking for a way to participate in some love for Mother Ocean from home, take a peek at some ways to join in the fun!

Read moreSt. John Ocean Week Begins This Weekend!

Sing St. John Announces Holiday Concert, Invites the Community to SING!

Sing St. John Announces Holiday Concert, Invites the Community to SING! 3

Good Morning, Good Morning.  Well, it seems this is a week filled with musical announcements!  So if you like to take part in a little of enjoyment and supporting of the arts while you are visiting St. John, pay attention over the next few days because there are loads of ways to do just that!  I have received a ton of messages from all of you about upcoming holiday events and activities and while the full list of St. John events is coming this Friday, today we are talking about an uplifting and non-profit driven holiday concert.  Oh, and if you are on St. John for the next few months, you are invited to rehearse and participate!

Read moreSing St. John Announces Holiday Concert, Invites the Community to SING!

Cafe Roma Begins Serving Lunch on November 1!

Cafe Roma Begins Serving Lunch on November 1! 4

Good Morning, Good Morning! I hope that you all had an absolutely splendid weekend! I enjoyed a little hiking, a bit of beach time and some catch ups with friends this weekend here on St. John. Beach days are a rarity for us once Asante is in the water and we are working round the clock! But this time of year is absolutely splendid for enjoying the beach…All to yourself. Dontcha think? 🙂

Cafe Roma Begins Serving Lunch on November 1! 5

But I digress! Before we left in August, Jerry Mace, owner of Cafe Roma and Dave & Jerry’s Island Steakhouse, invited Teddy and I to dinner at the Steakhouse so he could discuss some exciting news with us about Cafe Roma. The long favorite Italian Bistro, located in the heart of Cruz Bay just above Longboard, would be starting to do lunches this fall. And now the menu has been finalized and I’m excited to finally be able to share all of the details with you!

Read moreCafe Roma Begins Serving Lunch on November 1!

Flight Deal Alert: Now is the Time to Book From Select Cities to STT!

Flight Deal Alert: Now is the Time to Book From Select Cities to STT! 6

Good Morning, Good Morning and a happy Fri-YAY to you all!  I’ve been doing some flight watching over the past little bit because we have family visiting this winter.  And, man, they have been a bit absurd!  But earlier this week I saw a notice from The Points Guy about flight deals into the USVI from select cities.  So, I started poking around a bit again and (WOW) there are some definite deals out there for late 2022 and early 2023.  If you’re planning a trip this winter and you haven’t booked flights yet, now may be the time!

Read moreFlight Deal Alert: Now is the Time to Book From Select Cities to STT!

The 8 Tuff Miles Road Race is ON!

The 8 Tuff Miles Road Race is ON! 8

Good Morning, Good Morning!  In my early morning wanderings about the internet, I saw a post from 8 Tuff Miles announcing the date for the 2023 event!  This year’s race will be a bit different, according to the post.  But the date has been set and announcements have been made about the triumphant comeback of everyone’s favorite annual St. John event.

Read moreThe 8 Tuff Miles Road Race is ON!

A Message to the People of Florida- There ARE Better Days Ahead

A Message to the People of Florida- There ARE Better Days Ahead 9

Dear Florida,

We are incredibly sorry to see what you are going through right now.  We are watching day by day in trepidation as more and more loss reveals itself along your southwestern coastline.  We are feeling your pain in the same way you felt ours several years ago.  Storms that begin with “I” are not friendly, they are not fun, they are unwelcome, they cause pain, they cause loss, they cause destruction, and they are definitely not invited back for dinner or a second visit.  And, while our “I” storms have been very different, we stand with you today.  Because we have come to understand the terror of these horrible storms and their aftermaths.  And we understand the days, months and years that lie ahead of you in order to get back to “normal.”  We feel your loss.  And, although empathy may not be at all helpful right now, we want you to know, we feel your pain.

We want you to know that we are here for you.  We understand that, however comforting, thoughts and prayers do not undo the damages that have been done.  They do not bring back your homes, your cars, your material things or your items of sentimental value.  And, most importantly, they cannot bring back the lives of those who have been lost in this abhorrent and unavoidable natural disaster.

We want you to know that you should take it day by day, piece by piece.  That looking at the big picture of what is to be done right now will be too overwhelming.  It will be too much.  Take baby steps towards putting things together again.  Celebrate the small successes.  The power will be back soon.  Celebrate that.  If your home is gone, you must have faith that a new place to be is on the horizon.  And when it happens, celebrate that.  If your home was damaged, room by room it will start to feel cleaner, drier.  Celebrate that.  You will find cherished items destroyed, but you may also happen upon pleasant surprises of preservation in the mud.  Celebrate that too.  More outside help is arriving daily.  And, when each party arrives…You guessed it.  Celebrate that.

Better days ARE ahead.

In the weeks and months to come, dwelling on the loss and the devastation will not help you.  Yes, you should absolutely process the losses, feel them.  But staying in that space will not move you forward.  Plow into better days with your sights set on the horizon line.  Or take that friend in a drier space up on their offer to get out, get some rest and take a break.  And then go back and continue to plow forward.

You see, we understand that our “I” storms are not the same.  We cannot imagine the devastation brought about by the storm surges and flooding on top of the howling devastation of the winds.  We cannot relate to the specific paths of relief and then recovery lying ahead of you.  But we can understand the helpless feeling of your home at your feet in ruin, your community devastated and your familiar surroundings now feeling like a foreign place.  We GET that.  And we are here to tell you that it WILL get better.  You will survive and you will make it through this and, one day, you WILL feel “normal” again.  You, and your community, are stronger than you think you are.

It will take time.  It will take patience.  It will take your communities coming together to right what has been wronged by your “I” storm (we shall not speak his name!).  It will take the strong helping the weak.  Those who have done “alright” letting those who have lost so much lean on them.  Cry on each other’s shoulders.  Lift each other up.  Put your specific skill sets to work to rebuild your homes, and your communities, together.

We apologize for the “tough love” talk.  Because you probably don’t want to hear this right now.  But, one day down the line, you may need some of this encouragement.  Some of this direction.  Some of this “everything WILL get better” rant.  We know this because we have been there for the past five years.  Rebuilding our home, piece by piece, bit by bit, home by home and business by business.  And every once in a while, you will need a reminder to keep going.  If you need proof that everything CAN get better and feel somewhat normal again; well look at the absolutely hopeless situation St. John and so many other places devastated by natural disasters have been in.  And know…There ARE better days ahead.

Like we said, we do not pretend to fully understand the pain you are going through.  Every storm, and its impact, is different.  But we are here for you.  And we are willing to bet that many people across the country are as well.  If you are one of those people looking on in horror from afar, and you know someone in the impacted areas of this terrible “I” of a storm, REACH OUT to them.  Offer up a place to stay (a hot meal, dry bed and warm shower are likely high on the survivors’ priority lists right now), ask them, not just what they need, but what they want…Creature comforts are unrealistically essential to mental well-being in situations like this.  And listen to them, don’t tell them.  Ask them what they want, what they need and where you can support.  And LISTEN.

And, to the people of Florida, we know that SO MANY of you supported us when we were going through the earthshattering aftermath of our “I” storm (we shall not speak her name either!).  You donated to our causes and our fundraisers, you sent relief supplies, you showed up on our shores to support our re-emergence to tourism.  And we want you to know that we are here.  If you need an escape, a listening ear, a sympathetic shoulder to cry on or an understanding and knowing glance.  Reach out to the people you know in the Virgin Islands.  You supported us.  And we support you.

Keep your eyes on the horizon line.  Keep moving forward.  It WILL get better.

St. Johnopoly is BACK!!!

St. Johnopoly is BACK!!! 10

Greetings Friends!  Yup, you read that right!  Everyone’s favorite St. John board game is hitting the shelves again.  The Fourth Edition of St. Johnopoly, an island version of the traditional Monopoly celebrating St. John, is now available for pre-sale.  This fourth edition of the celebrated St. John centric and fun for the whole family board game features a ton of new businesses (many of which you will recognize) and iconic game pawns like palm trees, sea turtles and Jeeps 🙂

Head on over to the pre-sale page to learn more and order your Fourth Edition St. Johnopoly game for yourself or for the lovers of St. John in your life!  This is a great Christmas gift for folks who have traveled to Love City with you in the past!  Your pre-order gets you first in line to have St. Johnopoly shipped directly to your home in time for the holidays.

St. Johnopoly is like being on St. John when you can’t be!  So, get your game ordered today and, when it arrives, throw on your favorite island threads, crank up the heat, turn on a St. John webcam and your favorite island playlist, make yourself a Painkiller or a Bushwhacker (or both!) and move your Jeep around the game board to your favorite St. John locations such as High Tide, The Windmill Bar, Colombo’s Smoothies and Beach Bar!

Winter is coming….So get yourself set up for regular St. John game playing in your own home during the colder months of the year by pre-ordering your Fourth Edition St. Johnopoly board game today!

Travel Tip: COVID Testing and Proof of Vaccination Are NOT Required for Entry to USVI

Travel Tip: COVID Testing and Proof of Vaccination Are NOT Required for Entry to USVI 11

Hello, hello!

I know, I know, this is OLD news for a lot of you!  But I have received a ton of messages just this week of folks asking about requirements for entering the USVI.  Some are new followers of the blog, and some are first time visitors to St. John and some just simply have not visited Love City since before the pandemic.  So, welcome and welcome back everyone!  Either way, after an influx in messages this week, I went to the USVI Travel Portal to see what is posted there and it actually doesn’t exist anymore.  And the COVID link leads to nowhere on the USVI Department of Travel website.  So….

In order to travel into the USVI you DO NOT need the following:

  • COVID-19 test
  • Proof of Vaccination
  • Travel Portal QR Code
  • Passport (Although, these are helpful for getting into a potentially shorter customs line for your flight back home!)

So, coming to visit us here in Love City is just as simple as it always has been in the good old pre-pandemic days.  Then US Virgin Islands entered the Open Doors phase back in May of 2022, getting rid of the travel portal, testing and vaccination requirements.

Again- Sorry if this is redundant for many of you, but I wanted to put it out there for everyone who has been asking!  I’m sure there are more that I haven’t heard from 🙂

BVI Update: Memorandum of Understanding to be Signed by USVI & BVI

BVI Update: Memorandum of Understanding to be Signed by USVI & BVI 12

Good Morning, Good Morning…Do you ever have that feeling that you just put your foot in your mouth?  Well, I may have done just that with my statements in the charter boat section of yesterday’s article about USVI commercial boating in the BVI.  And, for once, I can say I’m grateful for my lack of predicting the future as I wrote about it!  HA!  Yesterday, BVI News released an article announcing an update to the Memorandum of Understanding between the territories to be signed by USVI Governor Albert Bryan and BVI Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley on Virgin Islands Friendship Day in relation to boaters moving between the two territories.

Read moreBVI Update: Memorandum of Understanding to be Signed by USVI & BVI