There’s some exciting new up-starts to look forward to on your next visit to our island paradise, but some changes are disheartening.
Local Livin’
“Personal Legends” – A Testament to the Virgin Islands
Good morning, and Happy 1st of March, also known down here as Virgin Islands History Month!
Over the last three years, as a resident on St. John, I’ve learned about the deeply rooted, rich culture of the Virgin Islands. Picking fresh fruit from mango trees, eating saltfish and pates, and listening to the harmonious sounds of the steel pan are all aspects of this beautiful culture that I’ve come to know and love.

Recently coming across a series of interviews titled Personal Legends, created by the Friends of the Virgin Islands artist-in-residence Kayden Richards, I am reminded of the time-honored and diverse heritage of the Virgin Islands. By exploring generational traditions shared by nine subjects from St. John, St. Thomas, and St. Croix, Richards perfectly encapsulated the vibrant spirit of these islands and its people.
Read more“Personal Legends” – A Testament to the Virgin Islands
St. John’s Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club: Empowering Minds and Bodies Through Martial Arts
St. John is known for its vibrant culture and active community. However, one of St. John’s hidden gems comes from the St. John Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club, unofficially known as the “Love City Stranglers,” where members learn the fundamentals of the sport and self-defense.
Read moreSt. John’s Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club: Empowering Minds and Bodies Through Martial Arts
Here, St. John – Stories of People and Place
The story behind this beautiful island did not just begin when the Virgin Islands National Park was founded. But that is the narrative that is largely presented to new residents and visitors to St. John. A place that is beloved and coveted by thousands of people all over the world has a much deeper story to tell that is often glazed over by Americanized beach bars and burger joints, beautiful beaches and sunsets and adventurous day trips. Although, the current picture of St. John looks to be much like that last sentence, the history of St. John, the culture of St. John is very seldom accurately portrayed. And, in my opinion, the entire kaleidoscope of stories, not just the predominant rose colored lenses, are what makes this place truly magical.
Eat Local Food – A Guide to St. John’s Caribbean Inspired Eateries
Hello all! This is a topic I have been wanting to share with you comprehensively for a very long time. In many Caribbean and International tourism destinations, the native culture of the place remains somewhat apparent, despite outside influences. I recall being in Costa Rica and eating “Tipico” or typical Costa Rican food nearly every day! And, on our trip to Grenada this summer, locally inspired cuisine was the norm. Here on St. John, it is unfortunately a bit more difficult to seek out the local and Caribbean inspired dining options. But, they are out there in abundance. And well worth the search!

Read moreEat Local Food – A Guide to St. John’s Caribbean Inspired Eateries
Local Livin’: Baked With Love in Love City
A while back, I was privileged enough to sit down for dinner with two dynamic and talented St. John born women to chat about their homegrown business in Coral Bay. An ingenious build out of a shipping container with the lingering smells of freshly baked treats sits adjacent to the building that used to house Pickles in Paradise. And within the walls of this shipping container, Ann Monsanto and Brenda Stephenson create magical, freshly baked flavors on par with the quality of a decadent corner bakery in Manhattan with the charm and hospitality of Love City. Building their dreams, one muffin at a time.
Local Livin’- Heading East for Great Local Flavor!
Good Morning all! Today I want to share with you an amazing spot in “the country” where you can relax and enjoy the breeze…AND some amazing local cuisine!
Local Livin’ – Mr. Hill – The Roti King
A few days ago, I FINALLY made it over to the Lumberyard parking lot to check out the new food truck and pick up some of my favorite island cuisine for lunch. Abdue “The Roti King” Hill officially opened his food truck for business last Monday. And business, and the roti, has been very, very good.
Local Livin’- Local Cuisine with Smitty at Island Breeze
Good Morning and a happy Friday to you! I hope that all of you are wrapping up your work week with a smile on your face and ready to get into some fun this weekend. I’m excited to be revisiting the Local Livin’ series this morning with a highlighted local business that offers amazing food, weekend specialties and really, really good company.
Read moreLocal Livin’- Local Cuisine with Smitty at Island Breeze
Local Livin- Revisited
It was just about eight months ago that I wrote my first post for News of St. John. In that time, I have learned so much more about our community, hunting for the stories here, the writing styles that work (and the ones that don’t!) and that a journalism major completed in the early 2000’s can still be (somewhat) effective 20 years later! When I first started this, I had a vision to capture the lives and histories of various and inspirational St. John residents in a weekly series called “Local Livin.”
As time went on, COVID and travel updates and the opening and closing of businesses and the territory took center stage. The series took a back burner for a while. But I would like to revisit and re-share the three profiles I did complete and also introduce a new spin on the Local Livin’ series! I hope that you enjoy reading, or re-reading, the following stories of Ital Delroy Anthony, Doreen Callwood and Nisha Jones.