
St. John Thanksgiving Dining Options – Gobble, Gobble!

St. John Thanksgiving Dining Options - Gobble, Gobble! 2

Thanksgiving is this week and, if you’re on St. John right now, there is plenty to be grateful for!  You may be planning to do dinner at your villa or residence OR may be entertaining the idea of dining out.  Either way, there are plenty of options for enjoying a fantastic holiday meal AND a great day on the beach instead of slaving away in the kitchen.

Read moreSt. John Thanksgiving Dining Options – Gobble, Gobble!

Back on Island: What’s New on St. John?

Back on Island: What's New on St. John? 4

Some of you may not know that I have been off island for a little bit to visit family and take a little break.  No matter how beautifully perfect the place you live is, there’s always a need for an occasional breather.  And COVID lockdowns, shut downs and quarantines gave me the itch to get away.  I had an opportunity to sail from Puerto Rico to Connecticut this summer on an absolutely incredible sailing vessel called Kai.  And I took it.  And I’m so grateful for the journey.

Back on Island: What's New on St. John? 5
Sailing North on Kai- Somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic

But, we returned home this week and I cannot tell you how good it feels to be back!  I’m sure you all can relate when I say that there is nothing quite like having the sandy soil of St. John between your toes for the first time in a while.

Read moreBack on Island: What’s New on St. John?

Villa Spotlight: Spend the Holidays at The Hills St. John

Villa Spotlight: Spend the Holidays at The Hills St. John 8

Well folks, Thanksgiving is creeping up on us which means the Holiday Season is right around the corner.  Many of you may look forward to this time of year for large family gatherings and re-connecting with your loved ones.  Unfortunately, for many, the current pandemic may keep us away from these larger gatherings due to concern over the spread of the virus and the health of our more “at-risk” family members.

Due to all of this, 2020 might be the year that you finally take that holiday trip that you’ve been thinking about for a long while.  With family traditions potentially on pause until a vaccination is widely accessible, a simple getaway to St. John in a private villa with your immediate family might be the holiday rest and relaxation you need.

Read moreVilla Spotlight: Spend the Holidays at The Hills St. John

Where Am I?

Where Am I? 10

Good Morning!  I thought maybe you could use a little breather from the real world today.  Take a break with one of my favorite views on St. John.  I can never get over the wide array of Caribbean blue hues in this area!

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This view from the these well-known ruins is just the first stop on a fun day of St. John exploration in the area.  The nearby parking area offers access to trails and beaches as well.  A notorious snorkeling spot is just a short, flat hike from this area and the ruins of two great houses lie just beyond it.

Where am !?