Good Morning All! And a happy Tuesday to you There has been a ton of BIG news over the past few weeks and, man oh man, I feel like I have been in a typing frenzy through all of the Caneel, Cinnamon, Honeymoon, plastic recycling and RAFFLE updates! So, this morning, I’m going to keep it brief, but exciting all the same! Recognize that view? ^^^
I was going to meet Teddy for dinner at Beach Bar on Saturday and was walking through the Wharfside Plaza when I did a double take as I passed Joe’s Rum Hut.
The front bar is OPEN again!
The former happy hour hot spot was boarded up for several years following the storms of 2017, with a brief full re-opening as “Rum Hut” in early 2020 with a new menu and a more clean and sleek image to mimic the rest of the new redevelopments in the plaza.

Only to be halted by the rise of COVID and the closing of the bars and then the territory in March of 2020. When the rest of the island re-opened, the Wharfside bar and restaurant continued table service using the smaller back bar. But the iconic front bar remained closed…until this weekend!

It is not the same photogenic collection of a skyline of colorful bottles…But, the bartenders are excited, the bar seats are open and that beautiful Cruz Bay backdrop remains the centerpiece from your perch.
I have heard that we can expect some more upcoming changes at Rum Hut in the near future and there is a TON of progress happening at Wharfside. I expect we will be hearing some updates from La Tapa and The Parrot Club very soon as well. There has been a lot of movement and progress in the area between Beach Bar and High Tide and I cannot wait to see the results of the hard work being put in!

I do want to quickly acknowledge that I know a lot of you have questions about the COVID protocols (both travel testing and on island). The Governor has a press conference scheduled for this afternoon and I will be tuning in to hopefully be able to give you an update tomorrow morning. The travel testing window as it stands is still within 72 hours of travel and that began on January 3. Governor Bryan implied that there would be a review of that after 30 days and that window closes this week. So, check back tomorrow morning or watch the press conference for yourself this afternoon at 1PM AST on the Government House Facebook Page. I hope that you all have a an absolutely spectacular day
Thank you for the good news, we will be there next week. Hoping for some better news this afternoon on traveling protocols. Fingers crossed!
Thanks so much!! Any news on day tripping to the BVi’s?
Wondering if any updates regarding Ash owner of Salt bottom beach on east end. Is he serving food?
Excellent news! Thank you once again!
Fingers crossed that testing is back to 5 days!!!

But question I listened to the Governor’s FB message the he said reverting back to less restrictions. I heard him say 5 day test window OR proof of vaccination. Is this correct what I heard, one can enter if vaccinated with no testing? We are to test tomorrow. But if not needed as vaccinated we will skip!?
Thanks love your updates!
The proof of vaccination applies only if you are vaccinated in USVI territory.
TriEd to have a nice meal in Cruz Bay Extravirgin Bistro. Didn’t really need the car rolling by, speakers facing out, blaring music. Go enjoy your own music in your own place. We didn’t ask for your obnoxiousness.