There are exciting new options for visiting the islands of St Croix, Anegada and Virgin Gorda starting this month.
Read moreNew Options for Island Hopping Beginning this April
An Online Blog About the Daily Happenings of St. John, USVI
There are exciting new options for visiting the islands of St Croix, Anegada and Virgin Gorda starting this month.
Read moreNew Options for Island Hopping Beginning this April
Good morning! Peak season is upon us, and I know most visitors will be looking for some unique, outdoorsy activities to do on St. John. I went crystal kayaking at Maho a few days ago and highly recommend it!
Having lived on St. John for two years, you would think I’ve done everything this beautiful, small island has to offer a million times over, and yet I am still pleasantly surprised by the amount of fun activities that I find on my days off. Recently, I spent the day at Maho, one of my favorite beaches, and tried the crystal kayaking and paddleboarding offered at Maho Crossroads.
Read moreA Unique Lens: Crystal Kayaking and Paddleboarding at Maho Beach
Good Morning All! I don’t have much info on this topic because I have not yet received a response to a request for further comment. But, I have received SO many messages about this topic that I felt I should share the news with you all….The services on the beach at Honeymoon will officially not be re-opening with VI Eco Tours leading the the operations.
Read moreBikini’s on the Beach at Honeymoon Announces Permanent Closure
Good Morning, Good Morning! A few weeks ago, I ventured out to beautiful Cinnamon Bay in order to meet up with the campground’s managing director, Adrian Davis, and take a little tour of the newly opened cottages. The cottages were simply awesome and decked out with every single necessity you could possibly ask for in a “camping” trip. And my conversation with Adrian about the past, present and future of the beloved campground was absolutely riveting.
If you are looking for an incredible experience that is bound to knock the socks off your special someone this Valentine’s Day, look no further. Lovango Resort + Beach Club is offering options for an amazing day, evening, or a combination of the two on this upcoming romantic holiday! Imagine a boat ride across the sound, followed by a luxurious beach day or a romantic sunset dinner right on the waterfront. Reservations everywhere will likely be tight, so take a look at the details and book your beach day and/or romantic dinner today!
Read moreBusiness Spotlight: Experience a Magical Evening at Lovango Resort + Beach Club
Hello all! It’s Jenn again. Hillary is still sailing back to St. John, so I’m overseeing the site again today. 🙂 So as I mentioned Monday, the island looks absolutely fantastic right now! The seas are so calm and clear, and the island is green and lush. But rather than you take my word for it, I wanted to show you so you all can see for yourselves.
Hello everyone, it’s Jenn (the previous owner of News of St. John)! Hillary is setting sail from Grenada today and is heading back to St. John aboard S/V Asante. She asked me to oversee News of St. John while she is off-grid this week, and naturally I said absolutely!
A new webcam started streaming from St. John on April 21 and this one gives you a birds eye view of your favorite North Shore Beaches 🙂
Happy Earth Day Everyone! I hope that all of you are planning a little something to do your part in your own neck of the woods today in an effort to preserve our beautiful Mother Earth. I always say, saving the world is overwhelming, but if we each do a few easy things each day it can make a big difference! I wanted to take this opportunity to share some small things you can do to help out a little on St. John today, or the next time you’re visiting, to help preserve the paradise that we all love so much.
Read moreEarth Day 2021 – Things You Can Do to Help Preserve Our Paradise
Happy Hump Day! And, we are halfway through the week! How’s everyone doing out there? Things seem to have calmed down a WEE bit on St. John this past week. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still super busy, but it doesn’t feel like we are bursting at the seams anymore. And, seemingly, the government imposed mandates in regards to COVID-19 have remained effective through the Winter and Spring Break booms. On Monday, Governor Bryan announced a few more small steps to loosen some of the current COVID restrictions in light of positive cases remaining low and vaccination distribution remaining high in the USVI.
Read moreGovernor Bryan Loosens Restaurant and Beach Restrictions