
Quartet of artists’ show

The Michael Banzhaf Gallery in Cruz Bay is featuring the work of four island painters this month. 


Kat Sowa has been on the island for nearly 14 years and has become well known was the Resident Artist at Caneel Bay.  Her Web site is http://www.katsowa.com/

Joan Farenkopf, when she's not creating art on the island, makes a home in North Carolina where she is a yoga therapist.

Bente Hirsch, has worked with Holiday Homes Real Estate and has a rental villa http://www.bentesfancy.com/. She is showing some of her watercolors.

Andrea Leland, a pastel artist, is also an accomplished film and video director and producer.

(Photograph of Banzhaf and the artists, courtesy of Bob Schlesinger of TropicalFocus.com

Goosebumps on the beach

While the east coast warmed up, into the 50s over the weekend, the St. John thermometers were plunging.

Steve Simonsen, the world class photographer, posted on Facebook that "69 degrees was the low in Great Cruz Bay."  And with some stiff winds the wind chill factor made it feel like 60. "The coolest night on St. John EVER," he said.

On the other side of the hill overlooking Chocolate Hole, StJohnTalk agreed.  The blog said, "The tourists are NOT looking happy but at least their patroinizing local establishments." Tables full at lunchtime at Jake's and Sun Dog Cafe.

Karin Wisniewski Schlesinger was shopping at Starfish where she saw locals bundled up, too. "All … were in long pants, sweaters.  Only some had socks," she said. Adding, "My guess is only some HAVE socks."

Cece Burns had MORE than socks.  She Facebooked, "So glad I kept my down comforter."

More than a million Web visitors can’t be wrong

 The brains behind the St. John Spice Cam are those of a couple of hard-working transplants from Boston.


Ruth Ernst and Ron Piccinin bought the St. John Spice business in 1999.  Then, the shop was buried off a corridor at Wharfside Village.  Then in 2005, they moved the shop downtown, in a second-floor retail space right at the end of the ferry dock.  While such a space location can be death for retail, The Spice couple's offerings, and low prices, draw a steady line of people up the stairs.

The store is best known for its collection of spices and hot sauces, hundreds of them.  The Cruz Bay Grill Rub, created by Ernst, is a top seller at $5 for 2.5 ounce or $27 a pound(!)  The Grill Rub won a dry rub/seasoning honors in the 2009 competition staged by firey-foods.com.

Read moreMore than a million Web visitors can’t be wrong

How to take better photographs

Family-fun St. John is full of wonderful settings for beautiful pictures.  There are so many, in fact, that the St. John Sun Times has even offered a sort of catalog of great places for great shots.  Read it by clicking here http://stjohnsuntimes.com/10_best_photo_spots.

But, once you've found THE spot, there's something else to consider: WHEN to push the shutter.  The variable to be considered here is light.  While some people think light's range is simply dim to bright, to a photographer light is color, impact, and emphasis.

Bob Schlesinger of Tropical Focus knows very well that a scene photographed at 7 a.m. can look entirely different from the same scene at 6 p.m.  And that's good.  It's not a question  of what's right and what's wrong; it's what do you want?

Read moreHow to take better photographs

Selengut’s new eco-resort open for business

BedroomThe founder and genius behind Maho Bay has some new ideas.  And Stanley Selengut has then on display, and for rent, now at Estate Concordia Preserve, a sister eco-resort to Maho Bay Camps, on the southeast end of St. John.

The first four studio apartments of his new eco-resort project have been completed.  And Selengut says he is closer now than ever to finding the ideal way to build with sustainable materials in the Virgin Islands.  The key to this new project was a refrigerator. "It was doing its job, keeping perishables cold and making ice while remaining quiet and energy efficient," Selengut said. "Eureka! Why not construct a studio-sized area that is similar to a walk-in food locker?"

And that's what he and architect Glen Speer did using Eco-Panels (www.eco-panels.com) and its Sustainable Insulated Panel System.  "All new Concordia units are built with the SIPS panels containing 6 inches of foam between the outside plywood and the finished interior," Selengut said."The exteriors are wrapped with metal foil and then Hardi-planked for a tight seal."

Read moreSelengut’s new eco-resort open for business

Government may offer a deal on property taxes

Governor John de Jongh told the VI Senate  the government could be out of money by June.  One way to weather the storm is to issue property tax bills.

The Territory's chief executive told the Senate a deficit of $170 million is looming.  To reduce it, de Jongh said, there will also have to be expense cutting and a new $100 million bond issue.

He said there will not be "drastic actions like government-wide layoffs, pay cuts, or furloughs," according to the Virgin Islands Daily News.  Which is of little comfort for tens of thousands of unemployed Islanders and their former employers.

Read moreGovernment may offer a deal on property taxes

A baggage tax at St. Thomas aiport?

Sounds like the airlines are getting fed up with the management of the St. Thomas airport.

A report of a meeting between the Governor and representatives of the major airlines serving Cyril E. King was headlined, by the Governor's press contact, as "an open and frank discussion."  Those of us with any experience in Washington know what THAT means!

While the Governor complained to the airlines they they have to be more active in alerting the territory when people bring guns in their luggage, the airlines were more focused on business issues.

The government's reaction was to start talking about new fees. Everyone knows the airport baggage facilities are not. Port Authority officials said, "Once solutions are identified … (they) may consider implementing a baggage belt charge as a funding source.," the Governor reported.

What next?  charge for using the turnstile to come into the airport from the tarmac?

Read moreA baggage tax at St. Thomas aiport?

Nearly 900 complete 8 Tuff Miles

A 33-year-old man from Bloomington, Indiana captured first place in the 14th annual 8 Tuff Miles Race Saturday with a finishing record time of 46 minutes and 26 seconds.  Thomas Chorny's pace bested the record set last year by St. John's Jeremy Zuber. He, however, apparently did not compete this year; he was not listed among the 898 finishers, also a record number for the almost 8.38 mile race from Cruz Bay to Coral bay.

The top woman finisher was 36-year-old Ruth Ann David of St. Thomas.  She completed the course in 58 minutes and 3 seconds.  She was 10th overall.


Racers ranged in age from 11 to over 70.  Kids, 12 and under, accounted for 6% of the racers, while the 30-40 age group was the largest with 24%.  Almost 17% of the racers were 60 years or above.

You can see the complete race results on the Web at http://8tuffmiles.com/results.htm

Read moreNearly 900 complete 8 Tuff Miles

Why she loves St. John

Janet Simonsen made the trek to Coral Bay Saturday to watch the finish of 8 Tuff Miles.  Figuring she'd get some gas for the trip home, she found this at the Domino station. (www.stevesimonsen.com)


Thursday’s notes from St. John

St. John Source

2009 Blues Festival DVD now available