

Well first off and most importantly, Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there! Now I can’t believe that I, being the donkey-loving girl that I am, missed World Donkey Day last Thursday. (Thank you again to Colleen Becker for for letting me know about this spectacular holiday!)

So today, we’re not only going to pay homage to all of the wonderful moms out there, but we’re also going to celebrate the fabulous little creatures on St. John that simply make us all smile – the donkeys.

Thanks to all of you who sent us pics! Here are some of them:

The rare eight-legged donkey…

Image courtesy of Lynne Littlechild
Image courtesy of Lynne Littlechild

I shouldn’t have had that last drink at St. John Brewers last night…

Image courtesy of Karyn Alexander
Image courtesy of Karyn Alexander

Budget cuts…

Image courtesy of Andrew Sherrill
Image courtesy of Andrew Sherrill

This really is 8 tuff miles…

Image courtesy of Laura Henderson
Image courtesy of Laura Henderson

How can you not love these faces…

Image courtesy of Larry Nix
Image courtesy of Larry Nix
Image courtesy of Marc Premselaar
Image courtesy of Marc Premselaar

Now that’s a good looking groom…

Image courtesy of Amber Mayo
Image courtesy of Amber Mayo

Darn windows…

Image courtesy of Joe Sarianides
Image courtesy of Joe Sarianides

And saving the best for last courtesy of Mr. Steve Simonsen…

Image courtesy of Steve Simonsen
Image courtesy of Steve Simonsen

Again, This is Why We Love the Island

If you love St. John, you’re going to love this video.

Delaney is a 17-year-old high school junior from the Chicago area. She made this video following her trip to the island in February. Delaney was on island to run 8 Tuff Miles for the second time along with her brother, mother and aunt … kudos to them for that!

Here’s what she created. It’s super fun. Make sure to turn your sound on…

Here is Delaney loving life at the Trunk Bay overlook…

Delaney is a 17-year-old from the Chicago area, She made the fantastic movie above.

‘Cincinnati Kids’ win at 8 Tuff Miles


Three of the four fastest runners in Saturday's 8 Tuff Miles race hailed from the Cincinnati area and a running club there

The winner was Derrick Butler, from the Ohio group, who finished in 46 minutes 22 seconds, a hair off the record pace of 46 minutes set last year's winner and teammate Christopher Reis. He finished second this year.

St. John's hometown hero, Jeremy Zuber, came in third, same as last year. His time was 51:26, 38 seconds slower than last year.

Court Lilly, also from the Cincinnati club, was fourth overall. He was one of about 20 Ohio club members participating in the 16th annual running of the race

Devon Nemire-Pepe was the fastest St. John woman, 30th overall, with a time of 1 hour 5 minutes 31 seconds.

Why she loves St. John

Janet Simonsen made the trek to Coral Bay Saturday to watch the finish of 8 Tuff Miles.  Figuring she'd get some gas for the trip home, she found this at the Domino station. (www.stevesimonsen.com)
