Good morning, good morning!
Every year on April 22nd, Earth Day is celebrated across the globe as more than 190 countries come together to promote environmental awareness and take conservation action. Whether on a large scale advocating for national policy or on a smaller scale participating in local trash cleanups, Earth Day unifies people from all walks of life to protect what we all have in common – calling the Earth our home.
Earth Day was originally created in 1970 by Wisconsin junior Senator Gaylord Nelson, Congressman Pete McCloskey, and activist Denis Hayes in an effort to bring environmental awareness to college campuses. They chose April 22nd because it fell between spring break and exams. College students protesting against careless industrial practices such as toxic waste mismanagement gained National attention, leading to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency.
Soon after, laws such as the National Environmental Education Act, Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act were created. Over fourty years ago, Earth Day activism pioneered environmental awareness and exemplified how important it is to teach the community, especially our youth, how to protect our planet for future generations to come. We’re still fighting the good fight, and the annual Earth Day is our reminder.
Read moreFriends of the Park’s Annual Earth Week Kicks off April 15th