
What does St. John need?

An interesting thread on the island forum on VInow.com

It began with Notahippie saying “STJ is almost perfect.  While less expensive food and more parking in Cruz bay are obvious things for change, “If you could wave your magic wand, what would you change about STJ?”

Predictably, critics cited residential and commercial development.

Exit Zero, with some irony intended, said “How lucky we are now that so many people decided STJ was 'missing' Condos, Timeshares, huge Rental Villas, Gated beaches, VLTs, more roads, strip malls, security gates on the ferry dock… Maybe what STJ is missing is an effective Planning Dept. and Land Use Plan.”

Dean Doeling, a fellow who works with Nike and has formed “Using Sport for Social Change” quoted a young St. Johnian who said what’s missing is “more sports on St. John for Schools and all ages.”  (Read what Doeling’s done for the schools.)

But despite the complaints, Jrobinv wrote, “What’s missing from St. John?  Me.”

What do YOU think St. John needs?  Offer a suggestion by clicking here.

This is a link to the VINow.com forum thread.

12 thoughts on “What does St. John need?”

  1. Maybe I am not so up on Island lingo but does rkurpiers = occupiers?
    If so then that is a perfect example of what St. John needs, to get rid of any remaining US vs THEM mentality.

  2. St johns needs an active police dept.,get rid of thugs and leave a few of the right ones,so much has changed over the years .The crime,the hate, but we will always love Love City.May the PoPo due your job!!!!!!

  3. I didn’t see any racist comment in rkkurpiers comment. I would never have reposted it, if I thought it did. Rather I thought it a general comment about the upscale overbuilding going on. Sure there is things that St. John needs. Some good additions were also listed. Sorry if your were offended. It was not the intention to offend anyone.

  4. Less building of McVillas and McCondos(this is a vacation, for crying out loud!) The locals, bo†h native born and yearround newcomers don’t live that way and it raises taxes for them. Keep Coral Bay, Coral Bay. More Reggae and Soca and jazz. Less mainland hip hop stuff. Keep the national park free of development. It is your greatest asset.
    Everything changes, but I remember our first visit and several after to STJ in the 90’s-no TV, no mainland newspapers and no hostility. Get rid of that silly security gate at the dock. There are plenty of places to come ashore (like twenty feet on either side of the dock)without creating an unfriendly welcome.
    We’ll be back. And we’ll find our own piece of paradise, but its so sad to see so much has changed.

  5. What’s missing are the locals that have slowly sold off their piece of paradise to others for profit. I miss the locals so much.

  6. i love visiting st. john. but, there is a lot of tension in this beautiful island. that is so sad. you guys all need to kiss and make up.

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