
7 thoughts on “The good old days”

  1. It’s over $8.00 a gallon in Italy—so get used to it. We had a free lunch for too long. It’s time to go to alternative energy sources….how about puytting a large funnel on top of the VI legislature and capture all the hot air and convert it to electricity? 🙂

  2. Here in New Brunswick, Canada we’re paying $1.48 per liter which is equivalent to $5.63 per US gallon and the scenery is nothing compared to STJ!

  3. What’s so bad? To put gas prices in perspective, it is $8.75 in France, $8.88 in Germany, and $8.76 in the UK. Of course it’s only $2.25 in China! Do you see the problem?

  4. maybe the higher gas prices will get some of the big SUV type vehicles off the narrow VI roads. Most of their tires have not seen a dirt road, few of the back seats and cargo areas are ever used, and now it probably costs them $4-8 just to drive to the Post Office

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