
What planet is Jane Israel from?

Our report that a consultant’s study found the average hotel-stay visitor to St. John spends $635 a day brought a howl from one reader.

Dear Frank;

On what planet is Jane Israel (the consultant) from? Has she ever stayed, or for that matter paid for, a hotel stay on St John? Has she ever had 3 meals on the island? $ 40.00 for breakfast, $45.00 dollars for lunch, 100.00 for dinner. Forget drinks! St John has 2 of the most expensive hotels in the region! It costs me over $ 7000.00 for a week to stay on the island! Caneel Bay alone does $ 50 million. Do the math. I’m there every year since 1992! I think the fresh air and beautiful scenery has gotten to them. 🙂

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5 thoughts on “What planet is Jane Israel from?”

  1. My husband and I vacationed on St. John last February for one week. We rented a villa, a jeep and took a couple of tours. We had the most wonderful time for $514 for TWO people. Where there is the will, there is the way.
    Dee, Wallkill, NY

  2. For two people, two weeks, how about $437 a day, including air fare. We do most of our meals at our villa (maybe four nights out). It all depends on your lifestyle.
    Jim – Kansas City MO

  3. what are they talking about?
    we have been going to St John’s for about 15 years now – if you want to spend big bucks go to Caneel for dinner – but – eat fresh fruit and bread/cereal for breakfast – grab a GREAT lunch at Vie’s and go to any dozen of a few wonderful restaurants and get by for around $100 bucks (for two)a day for food OR LESS
    we rent a villa and a jeep and go to a different beach every day – what could be better?

  4. My wife and I stayed beachfront at the Westin St. John and ate and drank at the best restaurants we could find, for 5 days last January. It was great, and we paid about $600.00 per day for everything.

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