
Welcome: RE/MAX Island Paradise Realty

RE/MAX Island Paradise Realty, voted the 2010's Best Real Estate Agency on St. John, has chosen NewsofStJohn.com to help expand its successful business. 

The firm is owned and operated by Diana Beam, who, herself, was voted Best Real Estate Agent on St. John for 2007 by readers of the Virgin Islands Daily News. Diana has lived on St. John for over 20 years and has been selling real estate for most of that time.

RE/MAX Island Paradise Realty will be advertising, reaching 25,000 visitors a month.  The ad includes an e-mail link for people interested in island property to ask questions about the market, listings available, and new opportunities.

The brokerage is currently featuring 11 island homes, as well as land parcels and commercial offerings.  They range from a three-bedroom, salt pond waterfront property in Coral Bay for $595,000 to a five-bedroom, waterfront villa in Chocolate Hole, Poseidon's Secret, priced at $3,299,000.

Diana Beam can be reached via e-mail at USVIBeam@aol.comRE/MAX Island Paradise Realty's web site is http://www.remax-islandparadiserealty.com

2 thoughts on “Welcome: RE/MAX Island Paradise Realty”

  1. Hey Frank,
    I just looked at the Daily News Web Site and looked at the Best Of Winners. I did not see that Remax won the award you mentioned. They were on the Ballot, along with other Real Estate Agencies, but it appears there was no winner for St John as none of the entries is highlighted in blue like Seaglass on St Thomas. I’ve heard there was no winner in this category. While I could be mistaken (and please feel free to withhold my comment if I am), I’m curious about what’s up with this?

  2. The Inquiring Iguana’s been told that the St. John winners will be announced at the end of the month.
    RE/MAX will be honored. (I guess we broke a little news, here.)

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