"The old Mahogany and Almond trees are dying in Cruz Bay's Powell Park, across from the ferry dock.
In a letter to the Tradewinds, longtime St. John resident Paula Myles blames VI Senators, the Dept. of Agriculture and the Island Administrator for failing to act to help save the trees.
A year ago, "When the fencing was taken down to reveal our very pricey new park … (we saw) deep wells built around the trees and filled with soil," Myles wrote. "A huge mistake which any beginning landscaper knows will rot the base of the tree and slowly kill it."
And that's what's happening, she said. "We sit on Powell Park's new benches, with their extra arm rests, in full sun, surrounded by leafless piteous giants, victims of political non-action."
Myles asked the Administrator for permission to remove the soil. "An easy job which with permission, any one of us would glady have done." However, she said she was told to wait for permission, wait for a plan, wait for a grant.
"A year has passed, and nothing's been done."
This is classic worthless Virgin Islands government. From the time I have lived here I have seen very little intelligence shown from our government. They do favors for friends, are a disservice to those who aren’t, and will not do anything to correct situations when they are pointed out to be in the wrong.
I am glad they got that stupid, worthless pyramid up. I bet in the same amount of time they could have saved the trees.
They should be ashamed of themselves but nothing will change because they truly do not care.
Dig it out yourselves. If it works…who will object?
There’s not enough graft in fixing the trees, too small of a job, they have to focus on large projects where they can skim and overbill.
I knew when I saw how they were building these trees would die. There goes the shade, which is the main reason people enjoyed that area. Then, to delay attempting to fix the situation due to government laziness and slowness is simply mindboggling. Frustration is an understatement.
Call the extension services at UVI St. Thomas, Carlos Robles, 340-776-9200 and ask him to help. Or, call Jasper Templeton, 340-998-8746 and pay him to help.
I agree with Ronnie Cail. I am a tree lover and waiting for the government to ‘fix’ the tree smothering is like watching a three year old fall off the ferry dock and calling for a life guard from Trunk.
I am not there folks. Jump in and save those trees!!
If I lived there, I’d just get a few people together and go do it myself. Would anyone stop it?
How completely sad….to be so politically blind & uncaring to the needs of your people (unless favors for friends) & the gifts God gives through nature of beneficial trees…for beauty, shade, gathering place for community, even “first-sight-off-the-ferry” for visitors (dollars for the island!!) etc.
Community of Cruz Bay & St John: take it upon yourselves to save those trees….raise money if you need to, appeal through forums, this blog etc. When communities band together things get done – it just takes someone to get it going. Be that one!!
Get some folks together and just get it done.
It is easier to ask for forgiveness, than permission.
To those of your saying “Just go it and do it yourself” and “Would anyone stop you?” Have you ever dealt with the Virgin Islands police? It is the worst experience of my life. I am not exaggerating with that statement. They would stop you and they would do everything withing their power and more to make it a miserable and regrettable decision.
Carlos Robles, Extension services at UVI, is the agriculture expert for the college. He is free!! He can probably diagnose the problem and you can figure out where to go from there. Call him, his office is at UVI St. Thomas. His number is in the “book” or you can look at my earlier message where I posted his phone number.
Just out of curiosity, how come the landscapers who put in all the plants did not notice this supposed problem?
Sounds like Government on the big island of the US of A. Currently they share something similar: ranking high on the stupidity, callous and sad scales. If doesn’t directly impact me and has put my nose out of joint, then I am not playing and just going home.