Craig Barshinger, the St. John resident who is the VI Senate's At Large Member, wants the island to have street names and houses to have addresses. At a recent Rotary meeting, the Senator used a GPS unit to show how such a system would work. Street addresses would be determined by the distance from
the beginning of a road, based on its latitude and longitude, according
to a report of he meeting by Bob Schlesinger.
Barshinger plans to introduce legislation to allow neighbors to choose their street's name and agree on a sequence of numbers. He is hoping condominium associations and homeowners groups will help him gather information on how such a project could be completed.
Each road name has to be different to the island, Barshinger added. He's even thinking of having an arbitrator involved to make sure organization is clear.
Got an idea for a street name? Suggest it here.
Rt. 107 (Bordeaux Mountain) from the Coral Bay side is presently known as Costanzo Road. Keep it. From the Chateaux Bordeaux starting point, call it Bordeaux Mountain Road.
FYI – Existing road names would probably not be changed. Street numbers are based on the number of feet or some unit of measure (yards, meters, etc) from the beginning of the road. That would allow “driveways” with multiple houses on it to receive a name and get a unique address. It is expected that all homeowner associations and interested people will be involved.
This is a great step forward but the equally important follow up would be the proper posting of house numbers. Especially in areas where several smaller houses are built one on top of the other on a hillside with one road access. The addresses will still have to be clearly posted in order for them to be any use to emergency services.
I suppose this qualifies as progress, although the charm of a sign such as ‘Vie’s Snack Shack – two hills over’ will be missed.
WE MUST HAVE TABACCO (sp) ROAD… for the only resident doctor st john ever had…he lived on frank bay… everyone knew or was treated by DR SAL…
Well, if nothing else it will give the graffiti folks more to play with than just the DIP signs they’ve become accustom to.