One of the island's most colorful artists has launched a blog. While Sloop Jones is using the popular blogging platform WordPress, his posts are anything but bloggy. He’s not writing about what he had for lunch, what the grandkids did, where he saw a donkey, or who won the election and why.
If you have ever visited Sloop’s studio on the East End – and you should – you quickly understand he is a creative type, captured by colors, preferably those he creates using other colors.
“Periwinkle is a color I make by combining warm and cool blues with white and a cool purple,” he explained in his first blog post. And of course Periwinkle will be mixed and applied to his casual clothing designs.
For a long time, Sloop has posted sunrise photos from his island studio. He wants us to share and understand the beauty the inspires him everyday. Another recent posting was titled “Bamboo”.
We are friends of bamboo.
BAMBOO is shade.
BAMBOO is sound.
BAMBOO is swaying beauty in the wind.
Sloop's blog is like St. John. Unpredictable, original, entertaining, and intimate.