
Restaurant ch-ch-changes

Eateries come and go.  This week, Satyuma is gone.  The vegetarian bistro at the Martketplace shoping center closed its door after being on the market for several months.  A family illness of none of the owners’ parents drew them away from the isl;and and the business weakened. (Original posting had a typo, said 'none' sted of 'one'.)

Meanwhile, at the Lumberyard, Lucky Pagoda was scheduled to open this week. It's a Chinese restaurant which hopes to do better than the late-and-departed China Shack. It was also at the Marketplace.  Pagoda is on the space most recently occupied by the Artists Association and, before that, by Polli’s Mexican.

Meanwhile, out on East End, Concordia restaurant is making a go of it, despite its remote location.  The menu includes eight entrees each night, relatively bargain-priced (for St. John) at $16 to $22, according to Lynda Lohr’s story in the St. John Source.  She talked with chef Elizabeth Muro who emphasizes freshness and variety.  Offerings have included a fisherman’s platter of shrimp, mussels, scallops and conch; brown rice stir fry with fennel, peppers, and onions, and a baked chicken breast with fennel and summer squash. Fresh vegetables are provided by Coral Bay’s green, green farmer, Josephine.

Concordia Web site: http://estateconcordiapreserve.blogspot.com/

6 thoughts on “Restaurant ch-ch-changes”

  1. La Plancha del Mar is now where China Shack used to be at The Marketplace – great food. I’m sorry to hear about Satyamuna.

  2. To correct a post re non owners of Satyamuna & ill relative. The ill relative is the aging mother of indeed one of the owners.
    And I also think La Plancha is fabulous!!!

  3. Question Frank and local St. John folks. I am considering relocating my family there to open a restaurant. The space, which is incredible, is located in Coral Bay. I am currently Exec Chef in a 4 star 4 diamond stateside resaurant. I want to open a similar concept in Coral Bay, St. John. I hear and read a lot of rumblings about St. John restaurant prices even for the good restaurants. Will this concept work on St. John, particularly Coral Bay? I would need $75 bucks(pre-fix) from every guest for a five course meal. Otherwise, I will never make it finacially. Should I just save myself 20k per month and look elsewhere or will St. John give me a fair chance? Thanks, Charles

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