
Red Hook work soon begin


In about a week, the ferry dock at Red Hook may be more challenging than ever as the V.I. Port Authority begins work on a $4.5 million construction project.  Plans call for new cargo and passenger boat docks as well as a large covered waiting area.  A larger parking area and a new barge ramp are also planned.  Darlin Brin, the Authority’s executive director, said the work will take about a year, according to the St. John Source.

The project will cause some changes in cargo being transported to St. John.  While passenger ferries and auto barges will continue to operate from their usual sites, heavy cargo transfer will be accepted at the Crown Bay cargo dock. "While there will be disruption and inconvenience created by construction activities, the Port Authority, together with the contractor, will institute safety and security measures largely to the benefit of the traveling public and waterborne traffic," Brin said, in a statement.

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