“They keep breeding,” said Rafe Boulon, the chief of resource management at the VI National Park and so, after a year-long public review process, it’s time to begin thinning the herds of goat and sheep on parkland. The animals cause environmental damage by eating vegetation that helps protect against erosion. The U.S. Department of Agriculture will help in trapping and shooting animals. If residents would like to save a goat or sheep that’s caught in the Park, they can contact the Park at 340 693-8950, ext. 240 to request adoption. Boulon told the St. John Source there are new herds of animals at Lind Point and along the North Shore, causing new damage to previously unhurt areas. The details of the park’s plan are on the Web site of the Friends of the National Park at http://www.friendsvinp.org/park/plan/dgfea.pdf.