Governor Bryan updated the territory this afternoon in regards to some great news! The COVID-19 positivity rate dropped to 5% from 9% last week at this time. It’s a Christmas Miracle!
Currently, there are 21 active cases on St. John, down from 36 last week. And I promise that it isn’t due to lack of testing! As a precautionary measure, I have personally been going to the free pop-up test for St. John residents once a week and there has been a lengthy line of cars each time. Last week I waited two hours. But, I want to applaud the Department of Health and all of the friendly and efficient front line workers who have been managing and executing the testing on STJ. It’s not easy work, I’m sure, but they are going through the motions with a smile (behind their masks).
The Governor urged the community today to keep up the good work…”Keeping it together and keeping it positive.” (No pun intended!)
He said the numbers are starting to look good again. But urges the community and our visitors to continue to practice their due diligence in keeping numbers down by masking up and practicing social distancing.
We managed to pull out of the surge at Limetree on St. Croix and then had to shut down in order to manage numbers during the St. Thomas bump in cases this summer. The recent uptick in cases in the St. Thomas/St. John district caused a lot of concern amongst community members and government leaders with the thought of another shut down during the busiest time of the year, but it appears we are managing our way through that. St. Croix is experiencing a rise in cases but, overall, Governor Bryan seemed very positive in his remarks today saying, “The numbers are starting to look good again.”
Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have also arrived in the territory and last week 260 front line workers and government employees received the first of the two shots. We should be seeing a steady stream of both vaccines into the territory in the coming months and Governor Bryan urges everyone that is eligible to get theirs as soon as they can. He led by example this week
I do want to briefly clarify something that I mentioned last week. On December 17, night clubs were ordered to close their doors. Bars will follow suit on Christmas Day. There have been a lot of questions about the difference between a bar, a restaurant, a night club and a cabaret. So as classifications of this variation of venues have had different rules and regulations attached to them, a lot of people have been scratching their heads wondering what was what.
Well, our lovely Island Administrator, Shikima Jones-Sprauve, told me last week that we shouldn’t see much change on St. John. Basically, if a venue doesn’t serve food, they are considered a bar and will need to close. And we do not have any specific night clubs on STJ. Some venues may hold night club or cabaret licensing in addition to their restaurant license. But, if they serve food, they will remain open. Be advised, however, there is still no counter served permitted territory wide. Meaning, you can hang at the Beach Bar….Just not at the actual bar. So, mask up, grab a table and enjoy the eats and drinks!
That’s all for today on the COVID-19 front. Have a great afternoon!
Can antigen (rapid) be used? Can we get one when we arrive?