
Parking Problems at Cruz Bay Lot

police car at no parking sign

We know, we know – parking is always an issue in Cruz Bay. It’s bad enough that a ton of parking spaces are no longer available at the US Custom’s parking lot, but the police are now ticketing over at the Enighed Pond parking lot. Not cool.

At some point in recent days or even perhaps in recent weeks, a new sign popped up over at the Enighed Pond lot. It looks part official and part craft project. It says “No Parking” with what appears to be a spray painted arrow pointing to the left. Here’s a close up:

no parking close up

No parking Enighed

We’re not really sure why this sign was posted other than to give the police prime parking at the lot. But what we do know is that the police have been actively enforcing it all week.

A News of St. John reader received this lovely little ticket on Tuesday:

ticket up close

And they were back out enforcing the sign again Thursday afternoon:

jeep parking ticketA word to the wise folks – beware of handpainted government signs. Your wallet will thank you.

More Reader Favorites: Snorkeling Pics

All I have to say is wow. You all have taken some awesome pictures over the years. Here are a few more of our favorite reader photos.

How many of you have been lucky enough to see a manta ray? Unfortunately I have not, but Scott Trerotola was. Check out this awesome shot he took in 2012:

Image credit: Scott Trerotola
Image credit: Scott Trerotola

Scott Trerotola also took this eagleray pic while snorkeling at Rendezvous Bay:

Photo credit: Scott Trerotola
Photo credit: Scott Trerotola

Leslie McKibben, a self-professed eagleray lover herself, took this neat picture of a leopard flatworm at Maho.

leopard flatworm at maho
Image credit: Leslie McKibben

And for all of my shark lovers out there, here’s another cool shot taken by Colin McCready at Waterlemon.

Image credit: Colin McCready
Image credit: Colin McCready

New Store Showcases Locally Made Products

Made Here Cruz Bay Sign

The name says it all. Everything for sale at Made Here is actually made right on the island.

Chances are you’ve passed this relatively new shop while wandering the streets of Cruz Bay over the past couple of months. It’s located at the top of a small hill between the area of Morgan’s Mango and Mongoose Junction. Owner Abi Kirby joked that she’d like to ask the government to install an escalator from the road up to her shop to make it a bit more accessible to customers, but we think the small climb is definitely worth making.

Made Here is a wonderful little shop that sells unique works of art from more than 25 local artists. Each artist gets his or her own box within the store to showcase their goods. The store has a plethora of items for sale from handmade jewelry and sarongs to handcrafted instruments, artwork and more.

Made Here Products 1

Made Here Sarongs

Originally from London, Abi’s been living on St. John since 1988. Prior to opening Made Here, she created fine jewelry and wholesaled from her home. Abi now sells her jewelry and her unique Virgin Islands license plates (seen above) at Made Here alongside her 14-year-old daughter Lexi, who also helps out at the shop. She too makes her own jewelry, which is also sold at the store.

Lexi Kirby
Lexi Kirby

Made Here is open Monday through Saturday. Be sure to check it out the next time you’re in town.

Reader Favorites: Snorkeling Pics

So earlier today we asked you to send some of your favorite snorkeling pics. Here are a few of the standouts:

Mike S. saw this nine-foot nurse shark while snorkeling near Carvel Rock a few years back. He said it swam so close to them, they had to bat it away.

Image credit: Mike S.
Image credit: Mike S.
Image credit: Mike S.
Image credit: Mike S.

Susan Z. sent us this adorable little trunk fish blowing sand.

Image credit: Susan Z.
Image credit: Susan Z.

Send us your favorite snorkeling pics at [email protected]

Friends of VI National Park Offers Guided Trip

marine biology sail

How many times have you been snorkeling around St. John’s many beautiful reefs and wondered to yourself what exactly you were looking at? I know I’m not alone in this. Well there’s a great opportunity happening this weekend for people like us.

Friends of Virgin Islands National Park are holding a guided marine biology sail this Sunday, March 23. Hop aboard Calypso and snorkel around St. John’s treasured reefs alongside Jeff Miller, a National Park Service marine biologist. Possible snorkel stops may include Waterlemon Cay, Congo, Lovango and Honeymoon Bay.

The trip will begin at the National Park Dock. Sign up in advance by visiting Friends of VINP Store in Mongoose Junction or by calling (340) 779-4940. Guests should bring their own lunch, snorkel gear, water, towel and sunscreen.

Question: What is your favorite or the coolest thing you’ve seen while snorkeling? Send us your pics at [email protected] and we’ll share them. 

Exhibit to Highlight Beauty of St. John Residents

faces st john

The unity of St. John will be celebrated this Friday with an amazing photography exhibit  – Faces of St. John.  This exhibit will feature key members of the community from all demographic and socioeconomic backgrounds.

The event will take place between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. this Friday, March 21 at Motu. The event will feature a drum circle performance and a raffle will be held to benefit the St. John School of the Arts.

Here are additional details courtesy of Sundial Experience Planning:

Examining each photograph will reveal one truth that no matter whom we are or where we are from, we are all people. The featured artist for this compelling exhibit will be Imran Stephen. Mr. Stephen is a local photographer who has an innate ability to capture raw emotion on film. His talents consistently raise the bar of excellence throughout the Virgin Islands, and will surely capture the true essence of this event.

As a part of this event, Sundial will raffle two original photographs. We recognize that the St. John School of the Arts has been a pillar in the St. John community and an advocate of creativity since 1990. It is with great honor and appreciation that we will donate all proceeds from the raffle ticket sales to St. John School of the Arts. It is important for our community to encourage our youth to continue expression through all forms of art. By continuing to support our youth in this way, we are simply adding to what already makes St. John so special.

New Boutique Opens in Cruz Bay

Image credit: Leslie McKibben
Brenda Baxter Simpson, owner of Brenda’s Closet – Image credit: Leslie McKibben

Looking for a more affordable place to shop for clothes while on island? Well look no further than Brenda’s Closet.

Brenda’s Closet is a quaint little boutique located on the second floor in the Lumberyard. It sells a variety of womens shoes, clothing and accessories. Brenda Baxter Simpson opened the boutique back in January.

“Basically I just looked around and saw that there was a void in ladies clothing for all of the locals who work here that don’t want to pay tourist prices. And they want to be able to shop when they want something,,” Brenda said. “So I wanted to give them something cute and at the right price. I wanted to give them the opportunity to go somewhere where they could try on things and buy things.”

A resident of Maryland, Brenda commutes back and forth to St. John about every two weeks; therefore she is able to shop for the latest trends in the States and bring them, back to the island.

(You may be wondering how Brenda is able to commute to St. John every two weeks. She is a retired flight attendant and one of her retirement perks is being able to fly for free, she said.)

Brenda’s Closet isn’t just for locals, Brenda stressed. It’s also available for tourists who may have forgotten to pack something for their Caribbean vacation.

All clothing and accessories are reasonably priced and range from $4 and up. Shorts, for example, are about $15 to $20 while tops range in price from $17 to $20. Brenda also offers a small selection of gently used items at discounted price.

Brenda’s Closet is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from noon until 6 p.m. It’s open extra hours when Brenda is on island, and can also be opened any any time by appointment.

“Text me and I’ll be more than happy to open up at any time,” Brenda said, “day or night.”

Brenda, who happens to be dating Wayne Campbell, owner of Barefoot Cowboy Lounge, also said that women visiting the bar can also ask to visit the shop when it’s closed, and she’d be happy to walk upstairs and open it up.

Eat, drink and shop – does it get any better than that?

Want to know more about Brenda’s Closet or get alerts about the latest styles? You can follow Brenda’s Closet on Facebook at www.facebook.com/BrendasCloset. You can also text Brenda at (410) 310-7771.

Blues Blowout Happening Soon

Blues BlowoutAnyone up for some good blues music?

The St. John Blues Society is holding The St. John Blues Blowout on Saturday, March 29 at the Winston Wells ballpark. The party starts at 7 p.m. and will feature Samantha Fish, Johnny Rawls, Anthony Gomes and T.C. Carr.

Tickets cost $35 in advance and can be purchased at the following locations:

  • St. John Hardware
  • Connections
  • Chelsea drug stores
  • Gecko Gazebo
  • Ronnie’s Pizza
  • Cruz Bay Landing

Tickets can also be purchased at the door, but will be a bit more costly.

The event is a fundraiser for St. John Rescue – an all volunteer organization dedicated to saving lives and building a better community through participation, education and community spirit.

Can’t make it but would like to donate this to great cause?

You can always make a check out to The Rotary Club of St. John Foundation. Please put “St. John Blues Blowout” in the memo. All donations are tax deductible.

If anyone is interested in being a food vendor on the field during the event, please contact Ian or Ronnie at [email protected] or stop by Ronnie’s Pizza in person.

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade in 90 Seconds

Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone!

As you know, the folks over at StJohnNow.com broadcasted a live feed of Saturday’s St. Patrick’s Day parade. We decided to take that feed, speed it up and add some fun Irish music to it.

So here it is – the St. Patrick’s Day parade in 90 seconds:

(Turn on your sound)

An Underwater Escape

I think I love St. John under the water just as much as I do above water. If you’re like me, you’re going to love this video.

Cate Poole is a News of St. John reader from Wolfeboro, NH. She captured this neat six-minute video in various places across the island last month. The video was captured using a GoPro camera. The music is her own. Check it out:

It’s like a beautiful little underwater escape. Be sure to watch it all – the turtle near the end is breathtaking. Many thanks Cate. Job well done.