
Better late than sorry?

Bank It's all about the timing, isn't it?  When there's a possibility of trouble, well, you take precautions.

That's why many home and business owners have hurricane shutters.  First hint of a storm, the wood/metal protection goes up.

So you have to wonder, deeply, about the First, the bank in Cruz Bay across from Woody's. In the past week, they put up hurricane shutters. 

A Deputy Inquiring Iguana pointed out the installation, finding it odd that the metal went up this late in the season, which ends Nov. 30. "Maybe someone went postal and drove their Jeep through the window," the DII speculated.

Sheets of paper attached to the shutters say, "Please use extreme caution around shutters. Very sharp edges."

Wanna bet the shutters are still there at Christmas?

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