The St. John Sun Times has helpfully listed five places on the island where you can hook up with the Internet for no money, or very little.
In Cruz Bay:
- The National Park playing field. Give thanks to Jason at Computer Express for the signal.
- Quiet Mon in Cruz Bay, next to Woody's and up a floor. Not free, but cheap.
- At Mongoose, login at the Tap Room; first hour no charge.
In Coral Bay:
- Raise a beer while you watch your bytes at Island Blues.
- At the Cocoloba Shopping Center, boot up at Aqua Bistro
Speaking of the Sun Times, the magazine is publishing again after a summer break. There are new big plans and a Facebook page!
"Hopefully this allows us to cover stuff that comes up immediately, and provides a place for all of the press releases we get and can't use in the monthly version," said Ella Anderson, the publisher and owner. "We're also posting photos from events we attend, sharing news, and bringing a little bit of sunshine into your day (nearly) every day.
- The Sun Times Facebook page is
I guess I need my eyes checked. I thought your lead said, “Where to find free WiFe on St. John.” My bad! Love your site!