The effort begun by Mark and Nanci Shekleton to encourage people to send e-mail to Jet Blue urging them to begin service to St. Thomas has had some impact. One the readers of NewsofStJohn said he got a cordial, if uncommitted reply. "we appreciate your interest in St. Thomas, USVI as a future JetBlue destination," the message to Franco Fellah read. "As a growing airline, JetBlue is continuously evaluating new cities to serve." Another reader commented on the item, saying that he sees Jet Blue flying NY to San Juan for less than $100. "If Jet Blue offers fares for under $200 to STT, I can come down four more times a year," he said. That, "would be quite a boost to the economy." Contact Jet Blue at
This must be a standard reply because I got the exact same e-mails back after sending a plea to extend service from Boston. We read in the Globe last week that Jetblue is adding 5-6 gates at Logan due to Delta moving back to the new Terminal A. Maybe one of those added gates could be to St. Thomas.