Our report that a consultant’s study found the average hotel-stay visitor to St. John spends $635 a day brought a howl from one reader.
Dear Frank;
On what planet is Jane Israel (the consultant) from? Has she ever stayed, or for that matter paid for, a hotel stay on St John? Has she ever had 3 meals on the island? $ 40.00 for breakfast, $45.00 dollars for lunch, 100.00 for dinner. Forget drinks! St John has 2 of the most expensive hotels in the region! It costs me over $ 7000.00 for a week to stay on the island! Caneel Bay alone does $ 50 million. Do the math. I’m there every year since 1992! I think the fresh air and beautiful scenery has gotten to them.
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My husband and I vacationed on St. John last February for one week. We rented a villa, a jeep and took a couple of tours. We had the most wonderful time for $514 for TWO people. Where there is the will, there is the way.
Dee, Wallkill, NY
For two people, two weeks, how about $437 a day, including air fare. We do most of our meals at our villa (maybe four nights out). It all depends on your lifestyle.
Jim – Kansas City MO
we took a cruise ship into st.thomas
an the ferry to st john for thanksgiving
2003…great food very reasonable
what are they talking about?
we have been going to St John’s for about 15 years now – if you want to spend big bucks go to Caneel for dinner – but – eat fresh fruit and bread/cereal for breakfast – grab a GREAT lunch at Vie’s and go to any dozen of a few wonderful restaurants and get by for around $100 bucks (for two)a day for food OR LESS
we rent a villa and a jeep and go to a different beach every day – what could be better?
My wife and I stayed beachfront at the Westin St. John and ate and drank at the best restaurants we could find, for 5 days last January. It was great, and we paid about $600.00 per day for everything.