Good Morning! I have received a TON of messages about updated COVID-19 testing requirements for entering the USVI. A lot of people are receiving their second round of vaccinations around the country…And that is fantastic! Unfortunately, you still need to provide a negative test or anti-body test in order to board your flight to the territory. Here is the most updated information from the USVI Department of Tourism and some info from the CDC about the vaccination and maintaining social distancing protocols.
Yesterday, we updated you with some great news about the loosening of restrictions on beaches, taxis and restaurants in the Territory. Following that, I received messages asking to clarify the testing requirements for arrival in the USVI. Here’s the big one:
If you have received your second dose of the vaccine…You still need to provide test results and upload them to the USVI Travel Portal in order to board your flight.
Basically, just like everything with this weird virus that has proven challenging in nearly all walks of life, the experts do not know how the vaccination will protect other people. If you have received the vaccination, that is amazing! You are likely protecting yourself from the harmful symptoms of the COVID-19 virus and leading the charge towards eventual normalcy (I hope!). But, the science is still being tested as to whether or not you can still infect others who may not have been as fortunate to receive their shots yet! From the CDC website:
“It’s important for everyone to continue using all the tools available to help stop this pandemic as we learn more about how COVID-19 vaccines work in real-world conditions. Experts are also looking at how many people get vaccinated and how the virus is spreading in communities. We also don’t yet know whether getting a COVID-19 vaccine will prevent you from spreading the virus that causes COVID-19 to other people, even if you don’t get sick yourself. CDC will continue to update this page as we learn more.”
So, essentially, you are protecting yourself. But we still need to protect others while the medical professionals figure out how the science of this vaccination works.
Regardless of your vaccination status, the following test requirements for travel still stand:
All visitors and residents ages five or older who are traveling to the US Virgin Islands must take a COVID-19 test within five days of the commencement of travel. The test must be uploaded to the USVI Travel Portal prior to arrival in the Territory and presented upon boarding your flight. To speed things up at the airport here, have your travel portal approval AND a printed copy of your test results in hand upon disembarking your aircraft.
The following test results are acceptable:
- A negative COVID-19 Molecular (PCR) or Antigen (Rapid) test administered within five days of commencement of travel.
- A positive COVID-19 Antibody test administered within four months of commencement of travel.

Once you’re here, the mask mandates and social distancing guidelines still apply to everyone. Vaccinated or not. Trust me when I say, I am also SO READY for things to get back to normal again, but just because I’m receiving my second shot next week (!) does not mean the rules don’t apply to me anymore. Unfortunately, we will all have to adhere to the standards set in place in the territory that have allowed us to flatten the curve, remain open to visitors and (most currently) loosen the restrictions on some of our small businesses!
Thank you to all for following along and staying up to date on the USVI’s Travel Requirements and please keep the questions coming. I look forward to updating you on more good news from Governor Bryan in the months to come!
I have heard that to use the Covid-19 antibody test to come to or return to the VI you have to have had the test done here, in the VI. I don’t understand why that would be. A positive antibody test from any place should suffice. Is this true?
I don’t think so, I just submitted my antibody test, which was done at an approved lab here in the states and received my approval to travel. You could always call and ask though.
Did you have the antibody test done after being ill or having the vaccine? I am getting the second dose soon and am wondering if that produces antibodies. Thanks!
Does anyone know if the new self rapid test antigen works for St. John …! It’s newly approved for some places but I’m unclear
We are planning a trip to USVI. Is there a difference between a covid19 test and a covid19 test for travel? Seems testing sights are charging an additional fee if the test is for traveling? My question is does the USVI islands require that the Covid19 test be specifically for travel?
I had a trip planned in June although with these requirements I will probably be cancelling the whole trip. Before that though, I wanted to ask, do we have to get another negative test when we are leaving to come back to the states? I understand this to be that I would need one to come to the USVI (I live in SC), but was not sure if we would need one in order to fly back home. We will only be staying a week at a private condo (not at a resort that might would offer testing). Thanks!!
Do you need to get a covid-19 test within 5 days of travel or within 3 days if traveling from within the United States? The CDC website says within 1-3 days of travel but everywhere else says within 5.
Thanks so much!
I just got back from usvi and I did not need a test to get back to mass.
The covid test must be done 5 days before the flight. Hawaii is 3 days…
I felt very safe on the flight and during my visit. Great job usvi! Great vacation!! As always …worth any effort for sure. So go and enjoy an keep all safe w masks … which is easy when searching for turtles
where did you get your 3-day covid test done? I’m worried im going to take the wrong test. We’re arriving on the 18th.
Is the use of a self home antigen test satisfactory for in entry in usvi?