Bob Schlesinger of snapped this picture of the day's feast at Cinnamon Bay. (Hope yours is as good.)
An Online Blog About the Daily Happenings of St. John, USVI
Bob Schlesinger of snapped this picture of the day's feast at Cinnamon Bay. (Hope yours is as good.)
We had Roast Turkey with two kinds of stuffing/gravy,sweet potato casserole,green bean caserole, baked pine apple cheese crunch, Homemade rolls,fresh cranberry sauce,Chocolate pie and peanut
butter and chocolate chip pie….open bar!! Belly Aches :))
Unfortuately we had dinner at Suger Mill rest. on Tortola. It was not the best turkey dinner I ever had . As a matter of fact, when we retuned home to New Jersey on Sat. my wife decided to cook a complete turkey dinner on Sun. for us and friends. The best !!!