Another Deputy of the Inquiring Iguana was out early Wednesday on
whale watch in Coral Bay … and
Jennifer Dale, a crack marketing guru, this morning sent these photos.
Click on the images for larger versions.
"I first saw them out my window about 9:15am, between St. John (Friis Bay) and Le Duc island," she said. "They're still out there – I just got a phone call from Cheryl Geller at The Tourist Trap, who said they can see the whales right off Johns Folly. At first the pod came into Coral Bay as far as Shipwreck Landing, which was surprising, but then they turned around. Right now they're just off of St. John, north of Ram Head. There are at least 5, and one is absolutely huge – very long. My phone has been ringing off the hook with neighbors spreading the news – it's just the coolest thing."
"Whales travel near Thatch Cay, just northeast of Coki Point on St.
Thomas, and St. John residents have reported whales southwest of the
island as well," according to story published by Virgin Islands This Week. "Other likely places to spot a whale are the North Drop,
Congo and Lovango Cays. Whether you will see wales really depends on
how close to shore the whales swim this year."
Frank and readers alike ~ I have been on Virgin Gorda and have seen whales off the SOUTH shore, on the opposite side of the tip of the island near the Baths … they’re HEEEERE! :O) …And we are all so lucky to experience a sighting. Have also seen them off Anagada about 10 years ago.
very cool photos Frank! I own 2 houses at Coral Bay and East end but I have yet to see the whales
but I’m in boston today. darn it
had a few good meals at Island Blues last week where there are new owners. And Sweet Plaintains was very impressive and great waitstaff, romantic setting. Excellent meal at Miss Lucy’s also. Coral Bay is the place to be vs trucking all the way over to Cruz bay for dinner!
john gallagher
Except that you have to truck all the way over to Coral Bay from the ferry when you arrive and depart. For me, I absolutely can not add on another 1/2 hour or so to an already 14+ hour traveling day. Seeing whales though wherever you are is amazing. I can’t tell what kind they are from the pics. Anyone know?
What an amazing morning we spent on our deck looking out over the end of Long Point on the East End of St. John! We were joined by neighbors as we were treated to a spectacular show of the whales breaching and slapping their tails. They were so close that we didn’t even need binoculars, although the sight was even more breathtaking for those of us who had them. This was truly an unforgettable day, and we are blessed to have a home where such wonders of nature are available to us all.
Wow, I wish I was on island. Does anyone know what kind of whales they are?
someone i spoke with yesterday assumed they were humpbacks, but i’m not so sure… they seemed really dark in the water, with whitish underbellies… anyone know for sure?
Wow – the Whales were great. The name of my house is “Whale Watch” on the East End and this is the first time I have seen whales from my house. Marie Naisby