Word that a Louisiana company hopes to complete two ferries for St. John before the end of the year got all the attention last week when the Governor issued
a news release. But
the Inquiring Iguana thinks the real news was missed.
In the release, the Governor gave some people hope that a better, more efficient, and quicker ferry route to St. John from Charlotte Amalie may be considered.
Acknowledging that STT traffic is a nightmare and hardly the first impression the VIs want to give visitors headed for St. John, the Department of Public Works said it’s hired a consultant to develop a marine transportation system.
“The consultant will help determine appropriate vessels and marine transit routes … as well as study how residents and visitors alike can benefeit from new sea routes that will reduce traffic congestion downtown,” the Governor’s office said.
The Iguana thinks the best way to reduce congestion is to avoid it. Create a new route from the ferry terminal now serving boats going to Tortola and other places. That terminal is closer to the airport than the current “station” smack dab in downtown CA, at which cabs and busses chaotically stop, discharge and pickup passengers.
It’s likely, though, that the “Tortola Terminal” is too small, so … how about using Crown Bay? It’s big enough for the cruise ships, should be big enough for St. John ferries.
New ferry service to St. John, with a pickup point closer to the airport and would be less stressful for visitors, reduce traffic through Charlotte Amalie.
Just do it!