
St. John ferries are back

Ferry boats are arriving again at the Cruz Bay dock.

Ferry_3 This is a shot of from the St. John Spicecam, taken at about 12:15 p.m.  It could be the Noon from Red Hook, or someplace else.  It is not the first load of folks to arrive; they began coming via various boats after 10 a.m.

As a bonus, look at the bottom left of the picture – the infamous beach where people write things for folks back home to see.

Today's sand-scrit says "Bye Earl".

Speaking of the Spicecam, it's been very very popular since the weekend.  Even today, getting something like 1,200 visitors a minute.

1 thought on “St. John ferries are back”

  1. I love how not one person has a take a few moments out of their day to pick up the trash on the beach. If you go on the spice cam it is still there at 6:32 PM…nice.

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