
Reporter finds love at Skinny’s

The Washington Post published a travel piece Sunday about the islands last weekend that focused as much on the denizens of the bar at Skinny Legs as the island's beaches and Park. 

Reporter Andrea Sachs wrote, "It's easy to feel the love, or at least the like … in Coral Bay, the wacky sister of Cruz Bay." 

She was two sips into a beer at Skinny's when she began talking with Carl and Lisa, Chris and two others.  By the end of the evening, Lisa had given her earrings, Phillip went into the kitchen to make her a salad, and a sailor named Vince invited her to join a regatta team.  "St John love all around," she said.

Read the Post article here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/24/AR2008102402975.html?nav=emailpage

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