Let be honest, not much work is happening in the world today; therefore we decided to provide you all with some stuff to pass the time while you’re at work this post-Super Bowl Monday. So sit back, relax and pretend you’re on St. John … at least for a few minutes anyway.
Want to take a few rides around the island? Or perhaps you’d like to spend a few minutes at the beach. Here are a few of our favorite island videos. We sped them all up a bit and added some music to make them that much more enjoyable. So turn up the volume or grab a set of headphones and enjoy!
East End to Maho
Maho to Mongoose
Coral Bay Triangle to Salt Pond
Trunk Bay Overlook
Maho Bay
Sunrise as seen from Gifft Hill
Sunset as seen from the Cruz Bay overlook
Want to check out some live images from around the island? We have more than a dozen webcams listed on our site. Click here to see all of them.
Now what do I do for the rest of the day?
Go back and watch them again??? 🙂