Maybe St. John could get a new marketing slogan: What happens here, doesn’t necessarily happen here.
Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney’s marriage was annulled this week in Los Angeles Superior Court. Each of the formerly-happy, beach-wed couple waived their rights to motion for a new trial and appeal, People magazine reported. She filed for the dissolution in Sept. four months after their wedding on island.
Give the couple a break. I can see this garbage reporting at the check out line of any grocery store . You don’t need to post this on your web site to get readers.. No wonder Kenny can’t walk the streets of Cruz, when you a local hound him like this.
HA! I guess this guy doesn’t know what it’s like to be a local on a small island. We don’t care what you do, as long as we KNOW about it! Celebrity or not, it’s just our way of passing the time.