
Parade & Car Show Happening Monday

Coral Bay Overlook July 6 2019

Hello everyone and Happy Labor Day! There are some great things happening Monday in Coral Bay. Here’s a quick rundown…

The fifth annual Love City Car Show starts Monday at 9 a.m. in the Coral Bay ball field. Here are the details straight from the organizers:

As in the past, we are working with St John Festival Committee in revitalizing the “back time” Labor Day festivities held in Coral Bay. The Love City Annual Car Show’s mission is to support the youth of St John. We offer alternative activities for the children and encourage them to get involved right here at home on St John. At the same time we are bringing our very special community together for a fun time of food, drink, entertainment and a car show!.

We have expanded this year to include our very finest “Safari” taxis and there will be a trophy competition for this new category. Of course the sound category is bigger than ever and we will have many more motorcycles and trucks and antique cars and well you get the idea.

There will be more food and drink vendors, more music with a DJ and a possible live band again. We are adding more activities for the children including our popular “HOT WHEELS” race track.

The Car Show organizers recently donated $500 to the St. John School of the Arts and an additional $500 to the KATS (Kids and the Sea) program. The donations came from last year’s show proceeds.

Love City Community Network is streaming the event live. You can watch it here.  The event runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The annual Coral Bay Labor Day parade starts at 11 a.m. The parade starts in the parking lot at Oasis and ends over in the ball field. There will be a back to school giveaway for the first 100 schoolchildren immediately following the parade.


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