
Where Am I?

Where Am I? 1

Good Morning!  I thought maybe you could use a little breather from the real world today.  Take a break with one of my favorite views on St. John.  I can never get over the wide array of Caribbean blue hues in this area!

Where Am I? 2


This view from the these well-known ruins is just the first stop on a fun day of St. John exploration in the area.  The nearby parking area offers access to trails and beaches as well.  A notorious snorkeling spot is just a short, flat hike from this area and the ruins of two great houses lie just beyond it.

Where am !?

COVID Testing for Travel 101

COVID Testing for Travel 101 4

Hi all! I hope this beautiful Tuesday finds you well! I know there has been a lot of COVID related info on the site lately, but we have recently received a ton of messages in regards to testing. So, I hope to get all of the information to you here so we can get back to some more fun things tomorrow 🙂

Testing is not ONLY required for arrival anymore. The State of New York is now requiring it for incoming flights and we may see more of that with stateside airports as the number of cases continues to rise. So, in getting out ahead of that…Here’s everything you need to know about COVID testing. For both arriving AND departing guests.

Read moreCOVID Testing for Travel 101

Covid-19 Restrictions Ease in the USVI; Virus Vaccination Update

Covid-19 Restrictions Ease in the USVI; Virus Vaccination Update 5

It has been nine months since the US Virgin Islands first took an active role in our response to the world-wide Covid-19 pandemic.  After temporarily halting many of our services and shutting down the island for incoming guests in an effort to mitigate the spread of the virus and to keep our residents and guests safe, the USVI Government and Covid-19 Task Force implemented a gradual, multi-phased approach for our re-opening in a safe and practical way.

At today’s weekly press conference, Richard Motta Jr., the Governor’s Director of Communications reminded us that effective today, we take another step forward in our re-opening process – and bars (the establishment itself, to be distinguished from the counters at the bars) and nightclubs are allowed to re-open today subject to a few restrictions:

Read moreCovid-19 Restrictions Ease in the USVI; Virus Vaccination Update

The Science Behind Air Travel and COVID-19

The Science Behind Air Travel and COVID-19 7

The US Virgin Islands is quickly approaching what is traditionally considered the beginning of our busy season.  This year, however, has been a strange one due to periodic island closures. From the traffic on island recently, it seems that many guests rescheduled their spring and summer plans to instead arrive on island in October and November.

Planes full of excited passengers have been arriving at our airports since the territory re-opened in mid-September.  And while our government has now made COVID testing mandatory for all guests and residents ages five and over before entering the USVI (or quarantine), the question on everyone’s mind is whether flying these days is really all that safe.  So what are the experts saying?

Read moreThe Science Behind Air Travel and COVID-19

Governor Bryan Provides Updates to COVID-19 Regulations

Governor Bryan Provides Updates to COVID-19 Regulations 8

Governor Albert Bryan Jr. returned today after a month-long absence from the weekly VI Government House Press Conferences to address the territory on some updates to COVID regulations.

He first thanked everyone for their continued compliance with COVID-related mandates.  He noted that while we work toward establishing a new way of life as we navigate this new world of COVID, we need to find a way to live with the virus.  Not just in a literal sense, but in a way that we can actually enjoy life instead of just ‘existing.’  The Governor agreed that social outlets are an important part of everyday life and assured us that the USVI COVID-19 Task Force is working full time to develop protocols to gradually allow us to start living more normally in this “new normal.”

Read moreGovernor Bryan Provides Updates to COVID-19 Regulations

Updated Ferry Schedule and Online Ticketing

Updated Ferry Schedule and Online Ticketing 12

If you have been following along, you have probably seen that the passenger ferry has been operating on limited hours since the beginning of the pandemic last spring.  In recent months, since the re-opening to tourism, reports of the ferries being packed have been circulating.  Well, in the spirit of social distancing, the passenger ferry will be operating with more extended hours.  Additionally, a new online ticketing system will help to ease your traveling minds.

Read moreUpdated Ferry Schedule and Online Ticketing