
New Webcam with Amazing Views!

Calichi Webcam

Hello everyone and happy Tuesday! We are currently up in Connecticut visiting family, and it is cold and rainy. And by cold, I mean it’s about 70 degrees which is bananas for July! This prompted us to do some St. John daydreaming, as I am sure many of you are too, so we decided it would be a great time to share details on a new-to-us island webcam. I know we’ve told you about webcams every then and again, but this one is pretty impressive.

For starters, it’s located on one the island’s highest points way up on Bordeaux Mountain. What makes this webcam cool, beside its amazing views, is the fact that it pans throughout the day, giving you an even greater view. Another cool feature is that there is a compass on the screen, so you know which direction you are facing.

According to the webcam, it will pan during the day to show Coral Bay and the British Virgin Islands. Around sunset, it will point west to show the sun setting over St. Thomas. And at night, it will turn back around to show Coral Bay’s twinkling lights.

Want to check out this webcam plus over a dozen more? Then check out our Island Webcam page at www.newsofstjohn.com/webcams

Happy watching! And please send my apologies to all of your bosses for the lack of productivity today. 🙂

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