A new parking lot 'come soon' for Maho Bay beach on the north shore, just past Cinnamon Bay.
A National Park Ranger told the St. Source space for 15 to 20 vehicles will be completed in the next couple of months.
Safety is one big reason for the lot.
If you've gone to Maho (Perhaps to watch the pelicans!), you've parked along the left side of the road, or nosed your vehicle into the trees along the right side.
Either way, it's a traffic obstacle.
Furthermore, some drivers don't show much caution (i.e. slow down) on the straight stretch of road, creating a danger for beachgoers crossing the road or unpacking their beach chairs from the back of their cars.
Parking on the inland side of the road will still be permitted. However, all the vehicle's tires must be off the road surface or Rangers can issue a $50 ticket. Parking on the water side of the road will not be allowed at all.
Really great services there. What about your experience on that garage.