
8 Tuff Miles draws French entrants


In the last few days before Saturday’s 8 Tuff Miles road race, event organizer Peter Alter said several competitors from France registered at mid-week.  "We have entrants coming from all over, with Ohio, New York, and Virginia the states with the most," he said in this week’s St. John Podcast.

This year’s event has two new angles.  First, in advance of the race Alter encouraged islanders to police Centerline Road, the race route.  "If you were having a party in your house, you’d clean up," Alter explained, "And we should do the same to show everybody how easy it is to make things look good.  We need to do more," he added, "and stop the littering in the first place."

Alter also said this year some of the event’s previous top runners will get a kind of head start. About a hundred people, who finished the race previously, will begin the 8.3 mile course to Coral Bay at the front of the pack. While walkers and joggers are welcome, the "seeding" will give runners the chance to get out ahead of some of the slower participants who might be obstacles to their trying to set a personal best.  Web site: http://www.8tuffmiles.com.

Listen to Peter Alter, founder of "8 Tuff Miles" talk about the race and the route. Click the play button below.

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4 thoughts on “8 Tuff Miles draws French entrants”

  1. Frank- You should give information to potential drivers of Centerline road on Sat- the day of the race. What are the ‘ground’ rules? Will traffic be allowed? When will the road be mostly clear of runners?

  2. My mom is an avid runner and would like to do the race but we keep missing it by hours or a day (this year)
    We will definately plan a vacation around race day in the future.

  3. Something that I came across might interest a few locals. I lived in St. Thomas in the 90’s for a couple of years and really valued great airfare to get off the island from time to time (of course this “rock fever” probably wouldn’t have been an issue had I lived in St. John). Anyway, Spirit Airlines is having some pretty crazy sales. When you click on the link scroll to the bottom where you will find flights from St. Thomas to places like Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, L.A., Vegas and a few others. I’m heading down to St. John in June for a week. From Orlando my total airfare is $250! I just signed up on their e-mail alert and I get new fares all the time. Just thought I’d share… http://www.spiritair.com/welcome.aspx?pg=salesinformation&number=270

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