
If Virginia’s for Lovers, Virgin Islands are for Bees

Bees St. John and the Virgin Islands have plenty of sunshine but few outlets for agriculture, says Kathryn Wagner, a photographer on the island.

"An island-wide beekeeping initiative has struck residents as an answer to the lack of locally produced goods," she wrote on her blog.

"Beekeeping and bee farming are agricultural activities that have low impact on the land, and do not require much space to become profitable small businesses. The bees will not only help to support the farmers, but also support the ecosystem of the National Park."

Over the winter, Wagner chronicled a 10-week class in beekeeping, attended by many locals, "who have gone on to begin raising their own hives. My hopes are with the many beekeepers that local honey, candles and beauty products – not to mention a new industry -  will soon become available as a result of a beekeeper's efforts."

1 thought on “If Virginia’s for Lovers, Virgin Islands are for Bees”

  1. Beeswax and honey candles are made from natural ingredients and are a far healthier choice than conventional paraffin candles. Not only are they non-toxic and eco-friendly, but they also emit negative ions when burned, which can help to purify the air in your home.

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