
Cruising through Cruz Bay: A GoPro Video

For the past two days, we’ve suggested that you come and visit us, and we’ve even provided some helpful tips to get you here. Well today, we want to show you why you should be here. Quite frankly, the place looks pretty darn good. This little island has come so far over the past year!!

Rather than take our word for this one, we wanted you to see it for yourselves. So we strapped the GoPro onto the Jeep Tuesday morning and took a spin through town. Take a few minutes and check it out. Enjoy the ride everyone!!


37 thoughts on “Cruising through Cruz Bay: A GoPro Video”

  1. Love City is looking great! We will be there in just 37 days and have 2 weeks to catch up on what has changed and enjoy all that we have enjoyed about our island for the past 20 years. Cannot wait!

  2. Ahhh, RIP Jake’s/Chilly Billy’s. A place chock full of sweet family memories. I remember CB’s had Trivial Pursuit on the tables and my little guy was just learning to read in his tiny little eye glasses- he was about 7 and would try to sound out the questions with my other little one in the high chair. Such sweet times. They are 27 and 21 now. Sniff….

  3. Nice!!!! Can’t wait to take that stroll or drive from Gallows Point through town in 39 days for 2 whole weeks!!! Looking great!

  4. Thank you so much! Good to see and witness how far things have come. Fingers crossed for the Lumberyard complex to come back soon and stronger than ever.

  5. Back again this April for 13th time!!! To long to wait!! But we returned this past April and for the most part STJ had recovered nicely even then. But we are sure it is even better now and by then Joe’s and the Beach Bar should be open. Our favorite drink establishments for sure. Any word at all about Waterfront Bistro? If not reopened, Banana Deck will do nicely!! And the Westin too will be open. We stay at a waterfront villa just two doors away. Awesome for sure!! Thanks for all you do, Jenn!

  6. Wow, my daily St. John “fix” with a ride through Cruz Bay! Loved it, Jenn. Yes, looking pretty good. Thanks so much.
    Hey, can you tell me what’s going on across the street from the Lumber Yard? Looks like some sort of construction with stone/concrete pillars, etc. but it’s been that way for years. ??

  7. Thanks for the ride! It’s always fun to watch you drive through the island. I love to see the landmarks we know so well.

  8. Jen, thank you for this GoPro tour through Cruz Bay, what a comeback our beloved STJ is making, so happy to see this! Our family has been visiting for over 20 yrs. We look forward to returning again next June, counting the days! Thank you again for your work and dedication to keeping us all informed.

  9. Great to see what we’ll see in 61/2 weeks—still hoping for The Beach Bar to reopen in time. We wish you’d cruzed past Clint Gaskins’ Longboard—he and his restaurant have been embassadors extraordinaire for St. John.
    Can never thank you enough for your portrayal of our beloved island—your blog is a DAILY must for me. Thanks a mil, Larry

  10. What a nice treat. Just starting to get cold up here. First measurable snow last weekend. So looking forward to our next visit to the island.


    See you in March with SIX of us …three generations … after introducing our daughter
    and son-in-law to Love City two years ago, in 2019 they will introduce their college age
    twins to St. John. Our special island!!

  12. We are super excited for our upcoming trip over Christmas and New Years. Our family has vacationed to St John for the past 14 years. Our children were babies when we first arrived and are now 14, 11 and 9. They kids love to reminisce about their experiences and excursions on the island. Those are memories that will always hold a special place in their heart. We had to cancel our reservation last year due to the hurricanes. We’ve prayed and donated to the island in hopes that St. John would slowly get back to the beauty and peace it once was. This video is proof of that.
    Thank you so much for sharing. We’ll see you all very soon!
    The Butler Family
    Cleveland, OH

  13. I love these videos! Keeps me in touch with my favorite place in the world. I only wish you would pull into the overlooks and pause to film the view for a minute or two. Thanks for making and sharing them!

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