
PhotoWalk: Ditleff, Trunk Bay, Annaberg


A dozen photographers joined Steve Simonsen for a PhotoWalk on St. John on Wednesday morning.

Our first site was Ditleff Point, where we greeted the day. Then, onto a deserted Trunk Bay and a somewhat active ocean. Finally, we beat the tourists to Annaberg Plantation where we had the place to ourselves.

We're each still sifting thru our best shots of the day, for uploading to a Gallery here.  Here's what we've got so far.  Check back for the next few days for more: St. John PhotoWalk Album.  (Click on any image to see a larger version.)

6 thoughts on “PhotoWalk: Ditleff, Trunk Bay, Annaberg”

  1. What a morning! I’m glad I had this opportunity and now realize I own more than just a PHD camera. (press here dummy) I’m ready for photography 202.

  2. Frank, if you hear of a similar date in March…would you send me a quick e-mail! I’d be in…for sure! Looks like you all had a great time! Thanks for sharing!

  3. People of St John, I hope you realize what a great photographer Steve Simonsen is. I still have dive photos he took in 1990 on a Low Key dive. His pics are everywhere Caribbean.

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