The Plastic Water Bottle Dilemma – Save the Planet & Some Cash!

The Plastic Water Bottle Dilemma – Save the Planet & Some Cash!

Hi there!  Today I’m going to get a bit real with you all about something that drives me absolutely crazy…Disposable plastic water bottles!  Did you know that, “According to the Container Recycling Institute, 86% of disposable water bottles used in the United States become garbage or litter, adding 38 billion disposable water bottles in U.S. landfills?”  That’s INSANE.  And totally preventable!  And, here on St. John, or in the Virgin Islands in general, there is NO plastic recycling so it is actually 100% of those disposable bottles that end up in our one landfill on St. Thomas or on the beaches, trails or…worse, in the water!  But, this problem is something that we can all do a little bit about in order to cut down on this waste and litter on our beautiful island…Oh, and you’ll save a bundle of cash as well!

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We all know how important it is to stay hydrated on island.  The warmer temperatures blended with a heavy amount of sweet rum drinks requires upping your H2O intake!  And, let’s face it, grabbing a case of 16 ounce bottles is the easiest way to go.  BUT, don’t do it!  There are other options and ways around this that can keep our streets, beaches and waters a bit cleaner AND save you some money.

First, let’s talk cash.  A case of 16 ounce bottles of water at Starfish Market costs $8.99.  At 16 ounces per bottle, a case of these equates to three gallons.  Or, you could opt for six, one-gallon jugs at the store for $15 ($2.50 each).  So, even at the start of this little venture into saving plastic and some cash, you are already on top by three bucks.  (six gallons for $15 versus two cases for $18…Got it?)

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So, you run through that  water…now what?  Well, luck for you there are several refill stations on island that allow you to refill these six, one-gallon jugs for fifty cents to one dollar per gallon!  Oh, and if your condo or villa has a water cooler with the five gallon jugs, you can refill those as well at any of these locations:

  • Kilroy’s/Provisions Parking Lot (Across from the ACC)–  There is a self-service water station that runs 24 hours a day.  One gallon jugs cost sixty cents to fill.  Bring small bills with you for the machine!
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The water machine is located in front of car in this photo taken from google maps. You can refill one, three or five gallon jugs here.
  • Santos Laundromat (Between Starfish Market and Provisions on the left)- Mask up and use your manners (Good Morning!  Good Afternoon!) when you head into the laundromat and up to the counter.  Let the nice lady there know how many gallons you would like to fill at fifty cents per gallon and she will take your cash up front and give you a key to go around to the corridor on the right side of the building where you will find a water filling station.
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The corridor with the water filling station is jst to the right of the coke machines in front of Santo’s Laundromat
  • New Business Alert!  Love City Ice (Located in the back of the Lumberyard parking lot)–  It’s one dollar per gallon to use the self-service fill station.  Bring cash to pay.  The water here is triple filtered and tastes absolutely delicious.  And it is a convenient stop right in town with plenty of parking.

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Oh, and if you need ice as well, this is a one stop shop!

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Prior to Hurricane Irma, St. John Ice filled this necessary void.  I stopped by there weekly to fill the five gallon jugs for my home and to grab ice on the way to the beach.  When the Lumberyard finally closed out the parking lot for demolition, St. John Ice, who provided the community with ice and drinking water in the immediate aftermath of the storms while operating at a loss via generator power, was forced out.  The owner, Alan Johnson, continues today to serve the community with ice distribution but has not re-established in a brick and mortar establishment for refilling water.

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The former St. John Ice establishment in the Lumberyard (Photo: Andrea Milam)

The laundromats, over the past few years, and this new establishment have filled this void and made it possible to refill our water while saving the planet and saving a buck!

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The new water refill station at Love City Ice.

Ok, so, let’s do some math here.  If you and your family burn through, let’s say four cases (12 gallons) of water over the course of your stay, the cost on that is $36.  If you buy six gallons for $15 and then refill them, at max that is $21.  Not a HUGE deal, but that definitely covers a few extra Painkillers at Happy Hour!  Additionally, you are creating six single gallon jugs of waste that will likely not find themselves left behind on beaches, trails or overlooks.

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The five gallon jugs are the BEST way to go if you are looking to cut down on cost and plastic waste. They are available for sale at Love City Ice AND you can return them when you are done!

Oh, and speaking of Happy Hour, when you are out and about and keeping yourself hydrated, opt for the tap water and ask for it in a glass or reusable cup of some sort.  The tap water in the city limits (Cruz Bay) is all perfectly safe and we drink it all the time!  If the establishment you are visiting only has disposable plastic cups, ask them kindly if they wouldn’t mind refilling your reusable water bottle.  Because, by now, you’re probably thinking, “Is she crazy?  Does she want me to just walk around town with a gallon jug of water?”  HA!

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No, of course not!  Bring a reusable insulated bottle from home.  Or, better yet, treat yourself to a souvenir cup or water bottle from one of your favorite local establishments!

Now, the absolute BEST and cost effective way to keep your water intake up is to stay in a villa or hotel that has some type of filtration system for the tap water.  When on island, you should always check with with your accommodations manager about whether or not the tap water is safe to drink.  If it is, you can refill those gallon jugs right at home, for free.

A vast majority of the vacation homes on island operate with a cistern for their water supply but many of them, you will find, have installed a water treatment system, making the water safe to drink.  Put this item on your list when you are looking at lodging options for your next trip!

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Pricing for Love City Ice

If you own a home or villa on island and are interested in applying a filtration system to your drinking water for your guests (and yourself) to enjoy, check out St. John Water Worx, located on the first floor of the Marketplace.  They offer a range of “residential water treatment systems” for at home use and installation.

13 thoughts on “The Plastic Water Bottle Dilemma – Save the Planet & Some Cash!”

  1. There’s a free water refill station for guests at Gallows Point Resort. Also the water in the units is WAPA water and safe to drink from the tap.

  2. Speaking of reusing and recycling, two years ago we learned that there is a covered barrel right outside Connections for you to put your clean, rinsed aluminum cans. Now we buy our beverages ion island in cans only, since I don’t know of anywhere to leave glass bottles.

  3. Grande Bay guests also have access to filtered water right at the tap PLUS we have a water refill station and Ice machine for those guests wanting to take extra precautions. Bring your reusable water bottles and refill – don’t landfill!

  4. Wow thank you for this awesome insight into a huge problem here on st john. We are here to serve you mon- fri 6:30-4:00 sat-sun 7-noon come by and check out our facility

    Mike Feierabend
    Love City Ice

  5. so, who is responsible for not banning 24 packs? Friends of NP, are you on this?

    I buy the 2 liter size and flatten them, stuff them in my suitcase, and recycle at home. Try it.

  6. We bring collapsible 10 liter water jugs in our checked luggage when we visit. We filled them with the Lumberyard predecessor to St. John Ice before the hurricanes. We filled them with the new Lumberyard business as he was building out the “store” during our recent November visit. Fast, convenient and parking is not an issue. We were VERY happy to see his initiative ‘cuz we did miss the former business. We absolutely recommend him.

  7. Joy of Life Villa guests enjoy delicious triple and UV filtered rain water. Best Water ever and no chemicals ever. Google is and come experience our eco-friendly, off-grid luxury in Coral Bay. For couples only!

  8. Have used Love City Ice twice now since this story. He showed me what he does which brought resolved particles from 520+ down to 7. Pretty remarkable. Really nice people, great price and no plastic. Thanks for brining this to our attention.

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