
4th of July Celebration a hit

Soca music, mocko jumbies, kids in costumes … just another 4th of July in Cruz Bay on St. John.  Hundreds of people wandered through the downtown streets, some sipping a tall cool one, others shading themselves in the bandstand, and most everyone smiling, according to an article in the Virgin Islands Daily News

The Celebration parade began at Noon, winding from Margherita Phil’s across from the barge dock, down to the ferry dock.  There were some 40 entrants.  Caneel Bay Resort again produced one of the most extravagant floats.  "Fish ‘n Paradise" featured about 40 employees and their children, dressed like fish and mermaids and sea urchins. The four hour party that followed featured entertainment from the Love City Pan Dragons, and the Caribbean Cultural Dancers. The traditional fireworks display over Cruz Bay was, in part, funded by the Westin Resort.

"Carnival to me is the parade when everybody comes out," St. John resident Jennifer Robinson told the St. John Source as she marched through the streets of Cruz Bay with the Middle Age Majorettes.

(This article contains links to photos on the Web sites of both the Virgin islands Daily News and the St. John Source.)

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