Friday the 13th was lucky.
“It certainly (was) here on the East End," Virginia Westrick reported. "At about 7:30 (in the) morning, we spotted a single whale breaching just off of Leduck Island.
"The whale appeared to be small and alone and heading towards Johns Folly Bay. We saw him only for a short while from our vantage point on Long Point, but what a great way to start off a Friday the 13th!”
Ms. Westrick is an avid underwater photographer, but on land when she spied the whale. She sent these two photos. Click on the images to see bigger versions.
This sighting augured well for the whale watch cruise planned for Sunday by the Environmental Association of St. Thomas and St. John. This would be the group’s third such trip this season.
At around 8:00 am, March 3rd, at least six whales were sighted, by a friend and me, heading west around Ram Head. They looked to have come from Coral Harbor as well.
We videoed two whales from our deck overlooking the Bay:
Wow, that must be cool to see that on occasion. I have only seen that once on a vacation in Mexico.