Order a couple sandwiches at Baked in the Sun at the Marketplace and you’ll see two large signs, looking like checks, made out to Men’s Winner and Women’s Winner of Saturday’s 11th annual 8 Tuff Miles Road Race.
Or walk around Cruz Bay and you’re likely to find race organizer Peter Alter taking registrations (limit 700) at Connections or on the first floor of the Marketplace. While on Centerline Road, the route is being prepared. Big yellow numbers have been painted on the road, counting the miles from downtown Cruz Bay, 1-2-3-4 on the road to the finish line at Coral Bay. Banner signs announcing the race seem to be on every corner.
As of this week,about 500 people have registered for the 8.3 mile event which you can run, jog, walk, or any combination. Funds raised by the race go to several scholarship funds, Save the Children, the Love City Pan Dragons and St. John Rescue.