

sept 5 2017 We’re under a hurricane warning. As of 5 a.m., Hurricane Irma has winds of up to 150 miles per hour. The eye of the storm is expected to pass between Anegada and Virgin Gorda around 6 p.m. Wednesday night. At that time, the National Hurricane Center believes it will have maximum winds of up to 150 mph with gusts of up to 160 knots or roughly 184 mph. The eye is expected to pass over the northwest corner of Puerto Rico around 6 a.m. Thursday morning.

Screen Shot 2017-09-05 at 6.59.14 AM
The eye Wednesday 6 p.m.
The eye Thursday 6 a.m.
The eye at Thursday at 6 a.m.

I’m scared. I think we all are scared. From here on, this may be the most honest post I have ever written all of you.

Most of us didn’t sleep last night. How could you? By the end of today, we have to decide what the most important possessions in our lives are and pack them up. Many of us have to leave our homes, and we don’t know if we will ever be able to go back to them. I think about my dogs, about all of our pets. Are they going to be scared? How can we comfort them? I think about my family and friends back in Connecticut. Do they know know how much I love them? Have I told them all that enough?

Then I think about housing. I live in Wharfside Village right on the beach in Cruz Bay. It’s a concrete building; I know it’s sturdy as hell. But will the roof fly off? What will the storm surge be like? How big will the waves be? Should we stay here? Are we safer somewhere else? What if something happens at our backup location? It’s just so scary not knowing what to do.

And you know what’s crazy? It’s beautiful and sunny right now in Cruz Bay. That whole “calm before the storm” thing is real.

I love this little island, and I know you all do too. Our lives here are about to change, and we’re going to need all of your love and support once this thing passes. We’re about to see the worst life can throw at us. But then we’re going to experience the best of humanity once this thing passes.

Hurricane Irma may be strong, but St. John is stronger. And that gives me hope.

I truly love you all.

-Jenn my window

114 thoughts on “Tuesday.”

  1. Wow just unbelievable. Stay safe, follow your instincts and let us all know what we can do to help once this thing passes. Positive thoughts for life and property!

  2. Keeping my St. John & all who are there in my Prayers. I can’t imagine exactly how you are feeling. Our place is at Sunset Ridge Villa’s at the top of Cruz Bay…I said to my husband, what would we be feeling if we were there? I can’t stop watching this storm as it tracks closer & closer. We’ll stay abreast of what’s happening & will be here for you afterwards. May God Hold You All in His Tender Hands!

  3. Prayers for everyone’s safety – I firmly believe that “St John Strong” spirit will prevail – please know that we are all thinking of all of you and will be there to help once the storm passes – sending (( hugs ))

  4. Jenn I don’t know you but feel as if I know a little about you because I follow your daily post. Everytime I visit your beautiful island & head back home I feel like I’ve left a piece of me there! Crazy huh? I live in North Carolina. Jenn I am praying for God’s protection over you, your fur babies, home and all on STJ.

    Stay Safe, Wendy.

  5. I have come to this piece of Heaven for many years. I love the Caribbean people and the ex-pats that live there. I love the folks at Conrad Cars. I just can’t stand to think about this and I am praying for these islands, people, animals, and vegetation. Bless you all.

  6. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those in Irma’s path. St John is our favorite place on earth and I hope God spares it from the worst of it’s fury. We live in Florida and are better prepared to handle something like this so if the man upstairs is choosing, send it our way. I want St John to be around for a long time so our grandchildren can enjoy it as much as we and our children have for the past 40 years.

  7. We are praying Like crazy. May God wrap his arms around all of you, the animals and the islands. We will be here for you after The storm has past. God Bless.

  8. A perfect post from the heart, Jenn.
    As a reader who sits perfectly safe in MN, it’s been an odd experience from this end as well.
    The helplessness and constant weather checking can’t even begin to compare to what all of you at “home” are experiencing.
    It certainly has been a time of reflection for all of you as you contemplate what is the most important “stuff” in your lives that you want to keep in case the rest disappears? Of course, asking yourselves that type of question can’t be easy.
    All of us reading this share a common bond…the love of one of the most beautuful places in the world. Part of our reason for loving it, includes the beautiful people who live there. (Except maybe that nasty woman I met in the post office last month on STJ, but I will even cut her some slack. Mostly because I think there’s a demon sitting above the door and puts an “unkind” curse to those entering and then takes it back off as you depart. But, that story is for another day.)
    Sending love, prayers (a term I don’t use lightly), and strength as you all hide out with your loved ones waiting and wondering.
    Know one thing … those of us safe back here will be prepared to do whatever we can to help all of you from this end once the beast disappears and you face the tough reality of cleanup.
    STJ Addict #12,623

  9. We are praying for u Jenn and everyone on our beloved St John. Please please stay safe. Do what u need to do to keep urself as safe as can be. I am sick over this but I know the strength and heart of the ppl of St John. Please know ur in our prayers and we will do whatever is needed after the storm passes. We love u all too!!!

  10. Sending positive thoughts and asking Mother Nature to spare all of you. It is a very frightening experience. Do your best to stay safe and to keep your pets out of harm’s way. Material things can be replaced. I pray that all will be well. My plan is to be there the first week in October. However, if there is anything that I can do to help in the aftermath, I will.
    Sending love to St. John and it’s beautiful people.

  11. Praying you all stay safe and are spared the worst of the storm. I’ll be watching from Las Vegas and wanting to help any way I can in the aftermath.

  12. My wife & I are praying for all in the path but especially those on our beautiful St. John.
    We always tell people we live on St. John 1 month a year & vacation in Texas the other 11.

    Please be safe & I am praying for a swing to the north!

  13. Here in NJ we are watching and praying for all in the path. We are the tip of South Jersey and recently weathered Irene and Sandy. During one we had to evacuate. I gave my daughter a tote and told her to pack what she valued the most; she is 23 now but it was rough. My wife and I gathered meds, docs and stood and looked at our home and life. Nothing was as important as our family, pets and each other. We left and luckily everything stayed in tact.
    Our advice…get to high ground in a sturdy structure…pack your important documents; deeds, medical and photos, etc…everything else can be replaced.
    We love St John.
    Praying for you all and hoping this takes a course out to sea.
    Bill, Lori and Angela Harron
    South Jersey

  14. My family has been coming to STJ for over 20 years. Today I’m picturing the island the way we left it in June and praying that I will see that same vision when we come back next year. Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Can’t imagine the emotions you are going through. Be safe.

  15. Praying for all on STJYou are our home away from home and our hearts and prayers
    are with you❤️Be safe and be strong!
    love, Jan and Lee Peters

  16. Jenn–It’s going to be bad. No doubt about it. Those of us off island will probably not know what has happened for many days, if not a few weeks or more. But please know that there are literally thousands of people waiting to help in any way they can. You will get through this and then we will rebuild. Stay safe.

  17. Be safe – heed all warnings because this is a monster storm. God speed to you and all on St. John and all the islands in the track of Irma.

  18. Stay safe, Jen, and good luck. I’ve been coming to STJ just about every year for the past 25 years, and like so many frequent visitors, I consider it our second home. Thanks for the daily updates. We’re not getting enough details about the island on any of the news stations. We’re all thinking about you and all the good people of STJ, and hoping that Irma makes a sharp turn away from you. Be safe!

  19. Prayers and blessings to all from NH …. we will all be with you and sending you strength “Life is made up of many changes: and no state, be it bright or clouded, will always continue.” SPURGEON

  20. This was written so beautifully. I feel same way. I live and have a boat on St. John and had to come back to the states for medical reasons. Recently have made our plans to come back in September, we already have our reservations. It is breaking out hearts not to be able to be there, not because of our boat, but because of our friends that we have come to love as our family! I am worried but know you all are St. John Strong!! Love you all and see you soon.

  21. Stateside our prayers are with you all and know that as you face the unthinkable in the days (and months) ahead, all of us who hold what we have come to know as the most special and beautiful place in the world are here for you. This is but another chapter in an amazing story about an amazing place and it’s amazing people. Be safe my friends……..

  22. Oh Jenn, I read your blog every day and today you brought me to tears. A piece of my heart is certainly in St John. I pray for STJ, Stay safe I hope you continue to share your experience throughout this difficult time.

  23. Jenn!
    Stay safe and always remember the prayers and thoughts of all of us who love that beautiful island will be here sending good thoughts to STJ and willing Irma to downgrade or move further north. Let’s all hope and pray for the best, but whatever the outcome STJ is stronger than the storm!! Be well!!

  24. We are praying for everyone’s safety. And for the island of St.John. (and for all in the path of Irma) St. John is our favorite vacation spot. We are there for only 10 days every Jan or Feb but the hospitality and the friendliness we receive during our stay is amazing. Your St.John Strong! Sending love,hugs,and prayers from Indiana

  25. May you stay safe and find solace knowing there are many of us out here sending our love and prayers. We will be here for you. ❤️❤️

  26. We came down after a hurricane just to support the island. We are all praying for our beautiful little island…make haste! Love to all.

  27. Prayers from Houston! Despite the physical exhaustion of preparing and recovering the mental exhaustion is beyond words. With that said, we came out on the other side and you can too! Be brave and see you soon!

  28. St. John is a place like no other. My wife and I look forward to spending time there every year. In order to stay connected, I read your posts just about every day. We just went through Hurricane Harvey here in Houston, and I don’t wish that on anyone. if you can still get out, i would seriously recommend it. For those of you who choose to stay, God bless and good luck! We are praying for St. John!!!

  29. As others have said, all of us not there but reading along and watching are thinking of you all and ready to do what we can to help once this is over. Be safe and we look forward to your posts after the storm.

  30. Sending prayers up and calm sea vibes out to everyone on St John as well as on all of the US and BVI. May this storm pass quickly and do no harm but just clear the air. Big hugs to you all as the storm passes.

  31. Thank you for the information in the middle of your dilemma . St John’s is so small. I prayer and meditation I am sending that hurricane northward and out to sea away from land. Yes that is what I am visualizing and praying for. St John’s has some good hills but still so susceptible to strong winds. I am praying for your wisdom and strength for your days ahead. May you find a safe place!

  32. Please don’t make the decision to ride this out in Wharfside Village. We first came to St John in 1994 or so. We stayed at Gallows. There was a hurricane that had come through a couple years before and they had a picture album of the damage to the place. It got pretty torn up. Unless this hurricane moves further north, move inland.

  33. I sit here and type with tears running down my face in Virginia. Every time we step foot on that island, there is a sense of coming home. I have watched and tracked this storm and I have prayed. Please stay safe and know that we will all be here once this passes and we will help however we can to rebuild and do whatever we can to help you all and the island we love. God bless you all.

  34. Thinking of you, every one who calls St. John home, the animals (both the pets and the wild ones) and our little island that has become our home away from home.

  35. We are watching the webcam for Skyridge with a sinking heart. Whatever comes, I’ll try to get down there and help with the cleanup. St. John has been part of our lives for 16 wonderful years and I hope and pray that this will be true for a few years more. We are praying that no one is hurt and our little feral fur babies will find shelter.

  36. (Expletive Deleted). I’m up north, and my phone is dinging off the hook with texts from STJ, STT, Vieques. Get down now, get safe and don’t move. I’ve been sick to my stomach all night. I hope the gang in Vieques in the mangroves fare well. And then there’s Jose’ at 40W, 12.5N. Dammit.

  37. Thank you for your posts. All of us who love St. John are on tenterhooks about Irma and we’re happy to get any information about what’s happening there. As others have said, you should absolutely go to a sturdy structure on higher ground, no question. Do all you can to be ready and rested. Good luck!

  38. I have never seen this many comments on a story Jenn. So many strangers sending so much love and prayers. News of St John has done a huge service to so many people on and off the island by keeping them updated on events.
    At the end of the day, the island will remain and will be rebuilt with the same love and spirit of the people posting here. God bless and please keep us updated on what you need from the folks up north.

  39. GET OFF THE ISLANDS!!! Please leave for your own safety and don’t leave your pets behind!!! I’m in the Houston Texas area and we were just hit with Hurricane Harvey a Cat 4 storm. Our State is mass devastation!! No building is strong enough to withstand the power of IRMA!! Take your Family, Pets, home movies, and Pictures and LEAVE NOW!! Praying for you all. God bless you!

  40. Godspeed Jenn, we love what you do and you will do it again have faith. Our little piece of paradise will overcome this nasty “Irma”. praying for the best outcome.
    Stay Safe!

  41. I put this on my Facebook page as well. <3

    O LORD,




    18.20 ˚ N
    64.48 ˚ W

  42. My husband, kids, and I just left my beloved St John (my happy place)…PRAYING for all of you on island over the next 48 hours and in days ahead.

  43. I also feel like St. John is my second home, I always refer to it as heaven on earth! This just breaks my heart and I am sending out prayers for everyone down there. Please be safe and take care of each other and please don’t forget the animals!

  44. Jenn, may our prayers, well-wishes and good thoughts surround you all with protection and strength to overcome whatever Irma has in store. We all have a piece of our hearts and souls in the St. John community so be assured you are not alone and help will come in many forms. Good luck and God bless.

  45. Jenn we love you! We are so worried about all of you and Charlie! You brighten our days here in the states with news of St. John! We will all be praying for your safety. St. John is a magical place! Once you visit there it lives in your heart an soul. I’m thinking of everyone I’ve meet there and they are all magical inspiring people. Yall stay together! Hang on tight an St. John WILL SURVIVE. We are scheduled to come in October, hopefully we can make it there an help get things back in order or volunteer in some way. Much love an prayers are headed your way, Daisy Cullen

  46. Praying for St. John and all those who chose to stay through the storm. May God spare all of you and your beautiful island from major devastation. Stay together. God is bigger than any storm and will see you through it all.

  47. Jenn, your blog has been my home page for so long now and i know this monster storm is scary. If you can get out of wharf side village today and into a concrete structure up the hill please please do. the downtown area will be flooded during the storm and the small docks will probably be tossed around. get somewhere safe. STJ has been my true home for 30 years, I’m sorry I’m not there right now, chainsaw in hand. Stay safe and let us know your ok whenever you can. Thank you so much for being an anchor and a touchstone for news for so many of us who call STJ home. You matter to us a great deal.

  48. jenn, we are sending lots of love and good luck to you and to all of our friends in our favorite place in the world.
    Joe & Nancy
    Team River Runner

  49. My prayers are with the people of St John! This is the most beautiful place ever and I pray Irma has mercy on this whole Caribbean area. Stay safe!

  50. Stay safe. It is looking very bad for everyone in the VIs. I worry about the critters as well. I agree with the advice to get to higher ground. Good luck. We will be thinking of you and sending you best wishes.

  51. St. John my favorite place in the world for the past 20 years. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone on the island.

  52. With hearts full of love for the people and the magic of St John and the surrounding islands, we are sending prayers for each and every one of you. Sharing a portion of my favorite, Psalm 91, “May God cover you with His feathers and shelter you with His wings.” May God bless and keep you all.

  53. Ok. This is the biggest in history. We are scared for you also. But you do what you do, to be safe, and that’s all you can. Hang tough. Lots of thoughts and prayers your way for this experience. Love to all. Looking for your update oon the far side. Text someone and we’ll post fb.

  54. Looking at St.John Spice webcam …. calm before the storm …. spooky! NO PEOPLE, which under the circumstances is a good thing. Hope that you all ride the storm out safely. Am very worried about the dogs/cats at ACC!!!

  55. Thinking of all our friends at Lavender Hill, Beach Bar, Lime Inn, etc…… OMG hunker down and hold on to your friends. We’ll be sending positive thoughts your way and will hope for the best. Everyone on the island be safe!!

  56. Praying for all creatures great and small not only on my beloved STJ but on the other islands because I know that many of the familiar faces I see each year live on St.Thomas and work on St.John. Our anxiety pales in comparison to what all on island are going through but we will be following as best we can and will be there for the aftermath to help

  57. This is serious. l pray for you all to be safe + love your neighbor in Jesus Name. Remember: For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Amen.

  58. My voice cracked as I was reading your post aloud. We have been visiting St John since the mid 80s and for the last 10 years it has been the annual trip most anticipated by our family of 5. This year, our trip will be in the fall. If Irma tips north, it will be sun and fun. If not, we will all be there to help clean up or assist in whatever way we can. The people of St. John have given our family so much joy over the years and we are heartbroken at the thought of what is approaching. Stay strong. Stay safe. We will see you soon.

  59. Praying for a more northerly track. Latest is trending that way. You’d avoid the N and NE eye wall. That’s the worst part. Stay safe!!

  60. My heart is heavy with fear and worry for St. John. From the first time my husband and I visited in 2012, this beautiful island has been engrained in our souls. We have been back twice since and are scheduled to come back in June 2018. Jenn, your post this morning started the tears, and reading these posts, the tears continue. I just can’t stand the thought of anything happening to our special island. Please everyone stay safe. We love you in Syracuse, New York.

  61. You’re right. We do love that little island. We were just looking at villas to figure out where to stay in November and now we are scared for all the people on the island and praying everything will be ok. We have so many happy memories. The first time I realized I wanted to marry my now husband was on St. John. I have been watching the weather channel webpage all day worrying about the sweet people there. Praying hard. And will be back soon to support the economy. Love to you all.

  62. To the entire STJ family…love and prayers from Minnesota. We love you all, we love St John. Power in prayer. Be safe, be strong, be kind and stick together.

  63. Beautiful post Jenn, I don’t know you but am Thinking of you and all being impacted from this storm. My Aunt and Uncle live in Chocolate Hole and are bunkered down and will remain hopeful and safe,I heard there is still power and hoping for all that this will pass without devastation.This hits close to home for me as I have family there and We visit every year. I have a trip planned for late October. Stay safe on your beautiful island and I pray the next post from you is full of sunshine and good news.

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