
Where’s the money?

Rick Bates, a reader who operates an educational consulting firm, posted a comment on the post about finding land for a new school.  He inquired about its expected cost and source of funding.

I smiled and replied:

"Dear Rick:

"The cost of a school has not even been mentioned. Unless there are federal funds, I can’t imagine where the money going to come from.

"But here’s something that will spur THAT discussion.

"Property owners are waiting for new tax assessments and, then the
2006 bills.  It has always been a complaint that while St. John,
arguably the most prosperous of the three islands, contributes so much
money to the government, it gets relatively little back. People have
tried to get a reading on how much the island does send across the
Sound.  No success.

"When faced with the perception, if not the reality, that St.
Johnians are going to be sending even more – either in dollars or as a
percentage of the whole – many can be expected to raise the call again
for St. John to receive its fair share of money.

"A new school, a parking garage, improvements at the Myrah Keating
clinic, sidewalks downtown, street lights, roads that are not potholed
beyond belief, affordable housing … the list can go on and on.  And

"Just wait.

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