A band including from St. John's Sprauve School, and eight other public and private schools on the St. Thomas and St., Croix will be in the Capital to participate in "We Are One," the Sunday entertainment gala celebrating Barack Obama's election. The marching band will perform as the V.I. Marching Stars.
The multi-hour event will be carried by numerous cable channels, beginning at 2:30 p.m. So, if you watch the entire event, you'll see them. The band's steel pan players will be the highlight of the Stars' presentation.
is producing the show and will broadcast it free. Other cable channels will also carry the show.The Stars group include 205 students as well as 75 adult chaperones, each of whom had to pay their own expenses, although the Governor did appropriate $200,000 for them, according to a report by the St. John Source. Because of expenses, and a virtual sellout of hotel rooms in the Washington metro area, the Stars will be staying in Philadelphia and traveling by bus for their weekend in the chilly spotlight.