A few weeks back, we told you about a campaign that was created to raise funds to fight the proposed marina in Coral Bay. At the time, the campaign had raised just over $8,000 in about 48 hours. We were pretty impressed.
Well it’s gotten even more impressive. In just 17 days, the Coral Bay Community Council has raised nearly $60,000 to fund its fight against the marina. They’ve also launched a pretty comprehensive website. If you’re at all interested in this proposed marina, I suggest you check it out.
The website’s called Save Coral Bay and you can find it at www.SaveCoralBay.com. It includes all of Summer’s End Group’s documents, including their marketing materials and land and sea permits, as well as a plethora of comments on the possible impacts the marina could have on Coral Bay written by residents, visitors and federal agencies.
Here’s a quick snapshot of the website:
Another little tidbit we found to be interesting and odd at the same time … It appears that Summer’s End Group never purchased its own website domain name. Someone else did. So when you visit www.SummersEndGroup.com, it takes you directly to the Save Coral Bay GoFundMe campaign. I don’t know about all of you, but if I were planning on building a multi-million dollar project, I’d be pretty certain to buy my business’s domain name first.
In addition to this being an excellent information resource for adults, it would be an asset in the classroom. The websites is loaded with primary resources. Younger children would enjoy the movies and pictures. Older students could read the numerous letters and newspaper articles. High school and university students could read the the comprehensive financial analysis done by David Silverman along with other reviews.
Invite your children to design bumper stickers, write letters, and help our campaign!
Yeah bumper stickers are really a good idea to spend money on!! NOT!!#. That’s a joke. We need to be more proactive about this ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE SITUATION. AND WHY DID DAVID BOOT MY BOYFRIEND(who is a lawyer) WHEN HE ASKED QUESTIONS? This whole thing is DISGUSTING! !!!.
Not just thesummersendgroup.com but also theyachtclubatsummersend.com and thestjohnmarina.com and about any other name the coulda, shoulda secured. A good indicator of their business acumen. Their web presence? A Facebook page. How amateurish is that? Every other aspect if their business plan comes up just as short.
They not only didn’t purchase their domain names, they don’t even use a company letterhead on their correspondence. Amateurs!!!!!!!!
Is “Save Coral Bay” set up as an official non-profit? My employer’s annual giving campaign ends 10/31 and I’d like to have my contribution matched by them, but it can only be done if this is a non-profit org. If it is, please publish the tax ID number so that I can have it matched. Thank you.
Louise – from http://www.gofundme/coralbay: “Funds for these purposes will be managed by the Coral Bay Community Council, a trusted local nonprofit organization…For larger donations for which you want a written charitable donation acknowledgement, please visit the CBCC website and send donation directly to CBCC, and include your snail mail address. Mailed donations are kept confidential, unless you request otherwise.” And here’s the CBCC’s website: http://www.coralbaycommunitycouncil.org . Hope this helps. Save Coral Bay! 🙂
I’m not trolling here, Coral Bay is a special place with a vibe all its own and nothing is lamer than seeing a place lose its authenticity to “progress”….but is it just me or does “Save Coral Bay” sound too much like a plea to preserve the status quo?
Doesn’t today’s Coral Bay leave a lot to be desired? We have a depressed micro-economy, no schools, non-point source pollution issues aplenty, lack of any real planning initiatives, rapidly declining youth/middle class demographics and evidence of abandonment every where (both onshore and off). Victory should be declared when these issues are remedied, not when the SEG group finally throws in the towel*. Don’t get me wrong, an out of scale mega yacht marina is clearly not the answer, but it feels like we are becoming far too focused on the changes we don’t want while leaving little room in the debate for those we do.
*The SEG marina is flawed for a multitude of reasons, but will likely never see the light of day for one simple reason: it will never sniff a profit. The individuals and institutions who have the resources to fund developments such as the one proposed by SEG are just as defensive about their capital as many of you are about Coral Bay. Believe me, letting a small group of individuals escort the project through the local regulatory landscape is far from committing tens of millions of dollars to a pro forma that would rely upon irresponsible levels of hope and fantasy just to break even.
Once construction begins the bay will be forever changed, and that’s just sad…
The whole thing is INSANE!!#!!!!!. How dare these developers come in and screw up more of STJ. They did it in Cruz Bay and Chocolate Hole and just left. Coral Bay is a special place. Ok MAYBE they need A SMALL marina. We do not need high end stores and I’m sure cruise ships coming in there. There is plenty of depth just there outside Coral Bay harbor to have those disgusting ships tender and bring the clones in and really screw up all the local BEAUTIFUL beaches. Is this really necessary? My boyfriend is a lawyer and asked questions about where this money is going and other legal questions and the self appointed person who my boyfriend was told to contact via personal email did not answer his questions and booted him off Facebook. What is this person/committee afraid of answering? Why should we not be able to ask questions about money they want us to donate? Are they hiding something? We do not need this. Leave Coral Bay ALONE!!#!##!!!!!! Can someone answer these questions? And if not then why? I don’t think we are being irrational asking questions. This could be the end of Coral Bay and the surrounding beaches as we know it. HOW DARE ANYONE DOING THIS!!!!!!