The Virgin Island’s newly-hired public relations firm said its first order of business will be to launch a new interactive Web site. Maggie Booth, of New York’s M Booth, told an audience of travel industry professionals Sunday at the St. John Westin, the site will be “our first major initiative” and it will be done by June 1.
Booth’s firm recently won a contract for promoting island tourism, replacing the Martin Agency which had the job for nine years. She said other promotional ideas include having chefs from the islands appear in New York during Caribbean Week, according to a report of her remarks published by the St. John Source. Window displays at Saks Fifth Avenue and a promotion at Grand Central Station are also possible, she said.
The V.I. Hotel and Tourism Association also described its promotional efforts, which began with $100,000 contributed by American Express and nine hotels. Beverly Nicholson, president of the group, said there are now a dozen members supporting the effort. The association showed several TV spots it produced along the theme, "It’s just easier," in the VIs.