For years, locals have complained that budget allocations to the St. John Capital Improvement Fund never seem to be earmarked to help improve St. John's streets, parking lots, curbs, sidewalks, etc. And this year apparently will be no different.
Closely reading a report of the VI Senate's Budget decisions, the Inquiring Iguana sees that the august lawmakers have grabbed $1.275 million of the fund's dollars and re-routed them to the V.I. Waste Managemernt Authority. Will that money be used on an island project?
And the VI Tourism Department, whose successful efforts are key to the Territory's economy, apparently will also have to do with less. Of a $2.25 million allocation, Tourism will get only $650,000. The balance will go to the Governor's office, the police department, public works and, that voracious Waste Management Authority.
Doesn't seem right.
I understand that all government workers took an 8% pay cut. However, the senators did not. Does that mean that they are not “government workers” or are they just???????????????.
Let us not forget around election time.